Gematria Database
Gematria is the practice or study of coding numbers into words from the Kabbalah. It is matching the sum of words or key phrases with dates on the calendar and time span duration matching the same digits in various ways. It is a language, just like any language once learned it can be understood and spoken. This is a database of various ciphers, numerology timelines and gematria connections with breakdowns and a knowledge for the truth seekers out there that are drawn to this type of wisdom.
Main Pages
- Letters & Numbers Audio Book
- Gematria Database Information
- Color Key Legend
- Gematria Memes
- Gematria Research
- Types of Gematria
- Types of Numerology
- Events Timeline
- Timeline Connections
- Research Types
- Word Sums
- Gematrinator Calculator
- Resource Links
- The Decode Game
- Gematria Bumper Stickers
- Masonic Theme
- Assassination Theme
- Murder By Numbers Theme
- Bible Theme
- States List
Gematria Word Archive
Gematria Connection Pages
6 Cipher Sum Match Pages
Numerology Sum Pages

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Color Key Legend
This is the meaning behind the colors and how they can be used to keep track of the themes and sums of words and phrases, to remember them in a hermetic way so the patterns can be seen more clearly.
F = Fibonacci #
FR = Fibonacci Relation #
P = Prime #
PR = Prime Relation #
T = Triangular #
TR = Triangular Relation #
SR = Square Root #
Perfect #
Regular #
B (Bell) & C (Catalan) #
Polygonal #
SOD = Sum of Divisors
R = Reflection #
O = Octal of #
IO = In Octal #
D = Duo of #
ID = In Duo #
H = Hex of #
IH = In Hex #
### = Masonic Ritual Theme
### = 666 Beast Theme
### = Sacrifice/Death By Numbers Theme
### = Circle/Pi Theme
### = Time/Clock Theme
Podcast: Gematria Tutorial Explanation
Podcast: Gematria Examples and Reasons for Use
Podcast: Gematria Decodes and Advanced Research
Reduced Numerology(RN) Sums, Date Numerology(DN) Sum Number Patterns:
- Regular#, SOD:4
- PR:5, TR:6, FR:2
- State Postal Codes:
- People Initials:
- G.Z. (George Zimmerman) [Psy-Op Character]
- Words Like:
4} SR:2, 2*2[22]
- Regular#, SOD:7
- PR:7, TR:1
0} 4P, FR:3 - State Postal Codes:
- AL (Alabama)
- CA (California)
- LA (Louisiana)
- OH (Ohio)
- SC (South Carolina)
- Regular#, Pentagonal:2, 3B;C, SOD:6
- PR:11, TR:15} 5P, FR:5
- State Postal Codes:
- CT (Connecticut)
- MA (Massachusetts)
- MS (Mississippi)
- NH (New Hampshire)
- SD (South Dakota)
- VA (Virginia)
- UT (Utah)
- Country Initials:
- Words Like:
6} 3T, 2*3[23} 9P]
- Regular#, Perfect#, Hexagonal:2, SOD:12
- PR:13, TR:21, FR:8} 6F
- State Postal Codes:
- Acronyms Like:
- K.K.K. (Ku Klux Klan) [Dualism]
- T.M. (Trade Mark) [Market], (Travon Martin) [Psy-Op Victim]
- Words Like:
7} 4P, 3+4[34} 9F]
- Heptagonal:2, SOD:8
- PR:17, TR:28, FR:13} 7F, 6P
- State Postal Codes:
- Acronyms Like:
- M.P. (Member of parliament) [Politics]
- Words Like:
- Octagonal:2, Regular#, SOD:15} 4B, 5P
- PR:19, TR:36} SR:6, FR:21} 6T
- IO:1
0} 4T - State Postal Codes:
- GA (Georgia)
- MD (Maryland)
- MO (Missouri)
- NC (North Carolina)
- NE (Nebraska)
- OK (Oklahoma)
- PA (Pennsylvania)
- TX (Texas)
- Acronyms Like:
- M.L.A. (Member of the Legislative Assembly, Modern Language Association)[Politics, Technology]
- N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)[Space]
- Y.H.W.H. (Yahweh) [Religion]
- Words Like:
9} SR:3, 3*3[33]
- Nonagonal:2, Regular#, SOD:13} 7F, 6P
- PR:23, TR:45, FR:34} 9F
- IO:11} 5P
- State Postal Codes:
- AZ (Arizona)
- CO (Colorado)
- DE (Delaware)
- FL (Florida)
- KY (Kentucky)
- ME (Maine)
- NM (New Mexico)
- WV (West Virginia)
- Words Like:
Saturn Connected Words and sums, Failed Events, Secret Societies relation, Saturn Ritual Theme Number Patterns:
- R:85, SOD:9
0 - PR:271, TR:1711
- IO:72, D:68, H:88
- State Postal Codes:
- Words Like:
- Stage Name: Stardust
- Character Name: Joyce
- Character Role: Hans Gruber
- Random Words: Easy = End
- Shape Word: Star
- Negative Words: Abortions = Disaster
- Actor Name: Paul
- Actor Full Name: Anton Yelchin
- Entertainment People: George Lucas = Ross Duffer
- Psy-Op Word Combination: Green Screen
- Government Official Names: Bush = Fleischmann = Melinda
- Number Name: Two
- Place Name: = Baltimore = Birmingham = Fort Sumner = Malibu
- State Name: Mississippi
- Location Name: Atlanta, GA = Halle, Germany
- Government Words: Agenda = Alphabetic = Anvil = Banking = Calendar = Facebook = Gregorian = Hookah = Night = Warp
- Government Word Combinations: Alien Base = Naval Base = New Years Day = World War One
- Month Word: June
- Occult Names: Blavatsky
- Occult/Historic Figure: Pope Francis
- Occult Words: Imagination = Intuition = Power = Pythagorean = Reptilian = Stars
- Religious Words: Biblical = Salvation = Sunni
- Religious Word Combination: The Creator
- Cult/Saturn Word: Freemasonry
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: Secret Society
- Athlete Full Name: Kobe Bryant
- R;SOD:96
- PR:347
- IO;H:1
05} 14T [15]} 5T, 4B, D:81} SR:9, ID:59} 17P, IH:45} 9T - Words Like:
- Random Name: Byers
- Random Words: Belt = Event = Flat = Paradigm
- Dualism Word Combination: Race War
- Personal Full Name: Keith Arlen Wise
- Assassin Name: Sirhan
- Assassin Full Name: John Wilkes Booth
- Negative Word: Arsenic
- Negative Word Combinations: Mark of Beast = New World Order
- Psy-Op Character Name: Parker
- Actor Name: Rickman
- Psy-Op Witness: Dorian Johnson
- Entertainment People: George Carlin
- Mind Word: Introspection
- Psy-Op Word Combination: False Flag
- Government Official Name: Moore
- Government Official People: Robert Kennedy = Vladimir Putin
- Birth Name: Jape Richardson
- Number Name: Fifty
- Place Name: Atlanta = Brunei = Mexico
- State Name: Delaware
- Place Word Piece: Cape = York
- Government Words: People = Revolutionary = Ruger = Times = Vaccination
- Occult/Historic Name: Ghandi
- Occult Word: Knight
- Religious Words: Bishop = Reincarnation
- Religious Word Combination: Catholic Church = The Jesuit Order = Sepher Yetzirah
- Cult/Saturn Word: Saturn = Illuminati = Nazis
- Cult/Saturn Word Combinations: Grand Master = The Black Cube
- Film Title: The Twilight Zone
- Sports Word Combination: World Series
- R:68, SOD:132} 6C
- PR:443 (Association)
- IO:126, D:1
02[12], ID:72, H:134, IH:56 - Acronyms Like:
- C.N.B.C. (Consumer News and Business Channel)
- Words Like:
- Random Word: Humorous
- Random Animal: Penguin
- Symbol Word: Symbol
- Shape Words: Heptagon = Pyramid = Triangle
- Planet Name: Mercury
- Assassin Name: Osama
- Negative Word: Died
- Negative Word Combinations: Blood Sacrifice = Dragon Bloodlines = Human Sacrifice = Swine Flu Vaccine
- Actor Name: Thomas = Winona
- Number Names: Eight = Nineteen
- Number Placement: Fifth
- Place Name: Tahoe
- Location Name: Opa-locka, Florida
- Color Name: Green
- Government Words: Citizen = Compass = Masses = National = Republic = Speed = Statue
- Occult/Historic Figure: Julius Caesar
- Occult Word: Master
- Cult/Saturn Names: Hiram = Solomon
- R:68, SOD:132} 6C
- PR:443 (Association)
- IO:126, D:1
02[12], ID:72, H:134, IH:56 - Acronyms Like:
- C.N.B.C. (Consumer News and Business Channel)
- Words Like:
- Random Word: Humorous
- Random Animal: Penguin
- Symbol Word: Symbol
- Shape Words: Heptagon = Pyramid = Triangle
- Planet Name: Mercury
- Assassin Name: Osama
- Negative Word: Died
- Negative Word Combinations: Blood Sacrifice = Dragon Bloodlines = Human Sacrifice = Swine Flu Vaccine
- Actor Name: Thomas = Winona
- Number Names: Eight = Nineteen
- Number Placement: Fifth
- Place Name: Tahoe
- Location Name: Opa-locka, Florida
- Color Name: Green
- Government Words: Citizen = Compass = Masses = National = Republic = Speed = Statue
- Occult/Historic Figure: Julius Caesar
- Occult Word: Master
- Cult/Saturn Names: Hiram = Solomon
- R:39, SOD:128
- PR:487
- IO:135, D:111, ID:79} 22P, H:147
- State Postal Codes:
- Words Like:
- Character Name: Huxtable
- Random Word Combination: Belt Buckle
- Shape Word: Torus
- Assassin Name: Sirhan
- Negative Word: Hard
- Actor Name: Parker
- Number Name: Sixteen
- Number Placement: Seventh
- Place Name: Japan = Lake Michigan = Maine = Mexico = Brunei = Compton
- State Name: Missouri
- Location Name: Tamil Nadu, India
- Government Official People: Martin Luther King Jr.
- Government Words: People = Propaganda
- Occult Language: Aleph
- Occult Word: Hominum = Knight
- Occult Word Combination: Alexander the Great
- Religious Words: Bishop = Harvest
- Zodiac Name: Libra
- Cult/Saturn Words: Saturn = Society
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: The Black Cube
- SOD:156} PR:911
- PR:523 (Corporation), TR:495
0[495] - IO:143, D:117, ID:83} 23P, H:153} 17T, IH:63
- People Initials:
- R.F.K. (Robert Francis Kennedy)
- Words Like:
- Random Word: Child
- Shape Word: Heptadecagon
- Assassin Name: Laden = Jihadists
- Negative Words: Illness = Missing = Racism
- Mind Word: Thought
- Number Names: Eleven = Thirteen = Forty-four
- Number Combinations: One Hundred Thirteen = Two One Six
- Place Word: Daytona Beach
- State Name: Illinois
- Location Name: New York City, New York
- Government Word: Inventor
- Month Word: January
- Religious/Historic Name: Gutenberg
- Religious Words: Divine = Temples
- Event Shooting Connection: St. Valentines Day Shooting
- SOD:494 (Monotheistic)
- PR:2239
- O:219, IO:515 (Babylon), D:471, ID:239} 52P, H:819
- Words Like:
- Place Name: Compton = Indianapolis
- SOD:936
- PR:2851
- IO:165
0[165], D:1338, ID:660} 63T [66} 11T], H:2358 - Words Like:
- Random Name: Byers
- Assassin Name: Sirhan
- Negative Word: Arsenic
- Negative Word Combination: Race War (Dualism)
- Actor Name: Parker = Rickman
- Psy-Op Word Combination: False Flag
- Government Words: People = Ruger
- Place Name: Atlanta = Brunei = Delaware = Mexico = Texas
- Place Piece Name: York
- Occult Word: Knight
- Religious Word: Bishop
- Cult/Saturn Word: Nazis
- R:855, SOD:1248 (The Book of Formation)
- PR:4
049[449} 87P] - IO:1
056 [156} PR:911], D:788 (Humanity), H:1368 - Words Like:
- Character Name: Huxtable
- Random Word Combination: Belt Buckle
- Shape Word: Torus
- Number Placement Name: Seventh
- State Name: Missouri
- Place Name: Lake Michigan
- Place Piece Name: Myrtle
- Government Word: Propaganda
- Religious Word: Harvest
- Cult/Saturn Word: Saturn
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: The Black Cube
- SOD:18
00[18} 6+6+6[666]], PR:5233 - IO:127
0(Swine Flu) [127} 31P], D:978 (Donald Jay Rickles), H:1686 - Words Like:
- Actor Name: Seymour
- Psy-Op Victim: Kilmister
- Negative Name: Rothschild
- Government Words: Country = Department
- Day Name: Thursday
- Occult Word: Powerful
Factorization, Regular#, Sum of Divisors:
- Regular#, SOD:168
- PR:281, TR:183
0(King of the Jews) [183] - O:48, IO:74 , D:72, ID:5
0, H:96 - State Postal Codes:
- Words Like:
- Athlete Name: Ben
- Character Role: Dr. Lazarus
- Random Word: Bar = Cooperative = Naked = Word
- Random Word Combination: Belt Buckle
- Shape Words: Dodecahedron = Icosahedron
- Assassin Name: Booth
- Negative Words: Evil = Fool = Ni**er = Peril
- Negative Word Combination = Ku Klux Klan
- Psy-Op Character Name: Darren
- Entertainment Industry Connection: Duffer
- Psy-Op Victim: Michael Brown
- Psy-Op Words: Hoax = Zone
- Birth Name: Eric Wright
- Place Names: Berlin = Lake Superior = Lima = Mali = Pearl Harbor = New York City
- State Names: Arkansas = Indianapolis = Iowa
- Place Word Piece: Alto
- Location Name: Tamil Nadu, India
- Government Official Name: Biden = Gamaliel
- Government Official People: Abraham Lincoln = Donald Trump = John Boehner
- Number Names: Four
- Number Placement: Second
- Government Words: Aliens = Coincidence = Cooperative = Diplomatic = District = Globes = Hotel = Long = Magnet = Marine = Police = Tavistock = Teacher
- Color Word: Orange
- Government Word Combinations: = Hotel New World = New York Times
- Occult Words: Conjunction = Diamond = Dracula = Magick = Order = Transhuman = Witchcraft
- Religious Words: Believe = Holy = Monotheistic = Pray
- Religious Language: Lamed
- Cult/Saturn Word: Skull
- Regular#, SOD:234{+432 = 666}
- IO:132} 6C, D:1
08[18{6+6+6[666]}, ID:76, H:144} SR:12; 12F - Words Like:
- Random Name: Autumn
- Dualism Word: Spade
- Assassin Name: Hitler
- Negative Word: Illness = Knife = Missing = Sadist
- Mind Word: Thought
- Government Official Names: Blythe = Sumner
- Government Official People: William McKinley
- Number Name Combination: One Hundred Thirteen
- Birth Names: Erin Marie Moran = Ian Fraser Kilmister
- Place Names: Antarctica = Djibouti = Havasu = Miami
- Location Name: New York City, New York
- Government Words: Elect = Rocket = School
- Government Word Combination: Statue of Liberty
- Month Name: January
- Occult Word: Alchemist
- Occult Word Combinations: Great Conjunction = The Magician
- Religious Name: Enoch
- Religious Words: Reborn = Temples
- Religious Word Combinations: Holy Bible = The Bible Code
- R:69, Regular#, Octagonal:6, SOD:252
- PR:5
03[53} 16P] - IO:14
0[14], D:114, ID:80, H:150[15]} 5T, IH:60 - Words Like:
- Character Name: Powers
- Shape Words: Dodecahedron
- Satanic Name: Moloch
- Negative Animal: Wolves
- Negative Words: Beasts = Chemo = Corona = Satanism
- Negative Word Combination: Never Again
- Performer Name: Nick Menza
- Number Name: Sixteen
- Number Placement: Seventh
- Place Name: Compton
- State Name: Cincinnati
- Location Name: Bengkulu City, Indonesia
- Government Official Name: Turner
- Government Words: Assembly = Confederate = Empire = Greed = Knowledge = Numerical = Security
- Month Word: February
- Occult/Historic Name: Anubis
- Occult Word: Pagan
- Religious Words: Angel = Coptic = Harvest = Hominum
- Cult/Saturn Words: Freemason = Society
- Event Shooting Connection: Valentines Day Shooting
- Sports Word Combination: Kentucky Wildcats
- SOD:12
- PR:31, TR:66, FR:89} 24P
- O:9, IO;D:13} 7F, 6P, H:17} 7P
- State Postal Codes:
- Acronyms Like:
- M.P. (Member of Parliament)
- Words Like:
- R:731, SOD:138
- PR:773, TR:9453
- O:95, IO:211} 47P, D:187, H:311} 64P, IH:89} 11F, 24P
- Words Like:
- Psy-Op Word Combination: Mind Control
- Assassin Name: Saddam Hussein
- Negative Word: Massacre
- Negative Word Combination: Church of Satan
- Place Name: Cheyenne = Indiana = South Korea
- State Name: Tennessee
- Color Name: Green
- Government Word: African = Authority = Democrat = Government
- Government Word Combination: Alphabetic Order = White House
- Random: Ross Duffer
- Shape Word: Hexagram
- Negative Words: Cocaine = Sin
- Place Name: = America = Fort Myers = New Hampshire = Parkland = Singapore =
- Location Name: Opa-locka, Florida
- Government Official Name: Hans
- Government Words: Curiosity = Google = Math = Parallel = Research
- Occult/Historic Figure: Julius Caesar
- Occult Word: Reptilian
- Cult/Saturn Word: Freemasonry
787} 138P
- SOD:788 (Humanity)
- PR:6
037[637] - IO:1423} 224P, D:1111, ID:557} 1
02P [12], H:1927, IH:313} 65P - Words Like:
- Cult/Saturn Word: Freemasonry
- R:12, Octagonal:3, SOD:32
- PR:73, TR:231
- O:17} 7P, IO;D:25} SR:5, ID:19} 8P, H:33, IH:15} 5T
- State Postal Codes:
- Acronyms Like:
- G.Z. (George Zimmerman)
- K.K.K. (Ku Klux Klan)
- L.A.P.D. (Los Angeles Police Department)
- N.R.A. (National Rifle Association)
- N.W.O. (New World Order)
- T.M. (Trade Mark)
- Words Like:
- Stage Name: Elton
- Random: Act = At = Bar = Bus = Dice = Edge = Of = Pizza = Word
- Symbol Word: Human
- Shape Word: Torus
- Planet Name: Moon
- Psy-Op Words: Fear = Hoax = Ison
- Assassin Names: Al = Booth = Ruby
- Negative Words: Blood = Demon = Evil = Fool = Lustful = Mafia = Mean = Sin
- Number Names: Four = Five = Nine
- Place Name: Arkansas = Iowa = Lubbock = Lyon = York
- Day Name: Sunday
- Government Official Names: Dane = Fred = Hans = Ian = Nancy
- Government Words: City = Gate = Hotel = Long = Math = Name = People = Plane = Times = Trade = War
- Occult/Historic Name: Anubis
- Occult Words: Pagan = Yin
- Religious Words: Amen = Angel = Bible = Fish = Pray = Seed
- Religious Language: Aleph = Tisha
- Cult/Saturn Word: Saturn = Jesuit
- Sports Athlete Names: Chyna = Jackie = Kobe
- Sports Word: Coach
- R:523 (Corporation) 99P, Hexagonal:13, Nonagonal:1
0, SOD:434 - PR:2153
- O:213, IO:5
05 (Turner) [55} 10F;T], D:461 (Alexandria)} 89P, ID:231} 21T, H:805 [85], IH:145 - Words Like:
- Government Word: Person
- R:61} 18P, Regular#, SOD:31} 11P
- PR:53, TR:136, FR:987
- O;ID:14, IO:2
0, D:18, H:22, IH:10} 4T - Words Like:
- Stage Name: Ziggy
- Repeated Names: John = Mark
- Random Words: As = Deaf = Leap = Now = What
- Personal Name: Carl
- Psy-Op Word: False
- Actor Name: Davy
- Assassin Name: Bin
- Negative Words: Cage = Dark
- Government Official Names: Lynn = Ted
- Government Words: Book = Cape = Cop = Dday = Gold = Names = News = Paz = Wars = Whig
- Number Names: One = Six
- Place Name: Manama = Dakota
- State Name: Ohio
- Occult Words: Block = Obey = Yang
- Religious Name: Allah
Dark Purple:
Secondary Saturn Number Patterns:
Factorization, Regular#, Polygonal#, Sum of Divisors:
- Regular#, Octagonal:4, SOD:9
0 - PR:173, TR:82
0[82] - O:32, IO:5
0, D:48, ID:34} 9F, H:64} SR:8, IH:28} 7T - Acronyms Like:
- Words Like:
- Sports Word: Lineman
- Repeated Names: David = Hussein
- Random Words: Agreed = Airplane = Duo = Humorous = Ism = Trait = Universal
- Random Word Combination: Die Hard
- Negative Words: Biased = Cocaine = Debacle = Funeral = Klux = Pain = Terror
- Stage Name: Elton John
- Actor Name: Yelchin = Neil
- Psy-Op Word: Mind
- Shape Word: Circle = Dodecagon = Hexagram = Line = Pyramid
- Planet Name: Mercury
- Government Official Names: Boehner = Hillary = Marvin = Rudolph = Wright = Wylkynson
- Number Names: Fourteen = Nineteen
- Place Names: Columbine = Des Moines = Eritrea = Hungary = Key Largo = Long Beach = Manila = Mumbai = United States
- Day Name: Tuesday
- Government Words: BioNTech = Bureau = Chairman = Citizen = Compass = Decipher = Dissident = Invasion = Island = Language = Magazine = Market = Mathematics = Matter = Organic = Perjury = Politics = Protest = Statue = Teacher = Tinfoil = Valentines = Victory
- Color Name: Blue
- Month Names: July = November = September
- Government Word Combination: Old World
- Occult/Historic Name: Buddha = Christ
- Occult/Historic Figure: Julius Caesar
- Occult Words: Box = Chalice = Dogma = Pharaoh = Reptile = Sacred = Stars = Unicorn
- Religious Words: Creation = Crucify = Protestant = Trumpet
- Zodiac Name: Scorpio
Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
- R:26, SOD:96
- PR:293, TR:1953
- O:5
0, IO:76, D:74, ID:52, H:98 - Acronyms Like:
- Words Like:
- Athlete Name: Jordan
- Sports Word: Rugby
- Random Words: And = Flight = Lesbian = Obedience = Off = Rest
- Assassin Names: Leon = Rubenstein
- Negative Words: Disease = Enemy = Flame = Genocide = Sacrifice = Shot
- Actor Name: Alan = Nick = Richardson
- Psy-Op Character: Darren Wilson
- Psy-Op Word: Lone
- Government Official Names: Garfield = Viktorovich
- Number Names: Thirty = Eighty-four
- Place Names: Alton = Bernardino = Cambridge = Dublin = Louisville = San Bernardino
- State Names: Connecticut = Georgia = Minneapolis
- Location Names: Birmingham, AL
- Place Word Piece: Bernardino = Gulf = Harbor
- Government Words: Action = Border = Capital = Code = Hero = Hour = Independence = Officer = Park = Parliament = Researcher
- Government Word Combination: Eleventh Month = Rolling Rock = Trade Mark = World War Two
- Occult/Historic Name: Davinci = Elohim
- Occult/Historic Figure: Hiram Abiff
- Occult Words: Predecessor
- Religious Words: Iesus = Torah
- Zodiac Name: Taurus
- Occult Word Combination: Black Magic
- Religious Word Combination: King of the Jews
- Cult/Saturn Word: Mason
- R:472, SOD:414
- PR:1759
- O:188, IO:422, D:376, H:628, IH:112
- Words Like:
- Random Name: Senior
- Negative Word: Illness
- Actor Full Name: Joanie Cunningham
- Birth Name: John Harrison Surrat Jr.
- Religious Word Combination: Iesus Hominum Salvator
Purple / Black:
Masonic Ritual Theme Number Patterns:
Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
- SOD:48
- PR:137, TR:561 (Paz)
- O:27, IO:41} 13P, D:39, ID:29} 1
0P, H:51, IH:21} 8F, 6T - State Postal Codes:
- Acronyms Like:
- G.Z. (George Zimmerman)
- K.K.K. (Ku Klux Klan)
- L.A.P.D. (Los Angeles Police Department)
- N.R.A. (National Rifle Association)
- N.W.O. (New World Order)
- T.M. (Trade Mark)
- Words Like:
- Repeat Names: Duffer = Junior = Robert
- Random Words: Airplane = At = Monkeys = Of = Pizza = Sex = The
- Personal Name: Melvin
- Shape Names: Octagon = Octagram = Torus
- Psy-Op Names: Darren = Parker = Robbie
- Actor Name: Don = Mantenuto = Michael = Rickman
- Psy-Op Word Combination: False Flag
- Assassin Name: Sirhan
- Negative Words: Hostage = Arsenic = Corona = Famine = Holocaust = Mafia = Mean = Peril = Razor
- Negative Word Combination: Race War (Dualism)
- Government Official Names: Antonin = Clinton = Fred = Gamaliel = James = Kennedy = Luther = Patrick = Turner
- Number Names: Sixteen = Ninety
- Number Placement: Seventh
- Place Names: Berlin = Brunei = Cleveland = Compton = Flagstaff = Holland = Hollywood = Indio = Lake Tahoe = Marchant = Mexico = Newtown
- Place Piece Name: Guinea
- State Name: Delaware = Hawaii = Massachusetts = New York
- Government Words: Crime = Device = Empire = Federal = Freedom = Gate = Indian = Lawyer = Marine = Mexican = Myrtle = Name = Newsweek = People = Person = Police = Project = Ruger = Teacher = Times = Trade
- Color Name: Orange
- Day Name: Sunday
- Month Name: October
- Occult Words: Akbar = Diamond = Eclipse= Knight = Magic = Order = Yin
- Religious Words: Amen = Believe = Belief = Bible = Bishop = Coeptis = Coptic = Demigod = Genesis = Seed
- Religious Language: Tisha
- Zodiac Name: Gemini
- Cult/Saturn Words: Bonesmen = Masonry = Secrecy = Skull = Society
- Sports Athlete Name: Kobe
- SOD:4
08[48} PR:223] - PR:1999
- O:195, IO:457 (Obey)} 88P, D:435 (Pneumonia)} 29T, ID:213, H:771
- Words Like:
- Shape Name: Pentagon
- Assassin Name: Adolf Hitler
Factorization, Polygonal # Sum of Divisors:
- Pentagonal:15} 4B, 5T, SOD:864
- PR:2213
- O:216, IO:512, D:468, ID:236, H:816
- Words Like:
- Stage Name: Easy-E
- Character Role: Snape
- Random Word: Parable
- Planet Name: Sun
- Negative Word: Wicked
- Actor Name: Michele
- Government Words: Anagram = Civil = Grey = Laws = Warm
- Government Official Names: Davis = Edward
- Place Name: Burma = Ontario
- Month Name: December
- Occult/Historic Names: Santa = Satan
- Occult Word: Awaken
- Occult Word Combination: New Age
- Cult/Saturn Name: Solomon
- Cult/Saturn Word: Bones
- Event Shooting Word Combination: Valentines Day School Shooting
- R:322, SOD:224
- PR:14
09 [149} 35P] - O:147, IO:337} 68P, D:315(Columbia), ID:167} 39P, H:547 (Los Angeles, California), 1
01P [11} 55P] - Words Like:
- Psy-Op Word: Screen
- Mind Word: Thinking
- Negative Word Combination: New World Disaster
- Location Names: Brooklyn, New York
- Government Word Combination: Gematria Code
- Cult/Saturn Word: Masonic
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: The Synagogue of Satan
Fibonacci #, Prime #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:31, SOD:14, PR:41, TR:91, FR:233} 51P
- O;ID:11} 5P, IO;D:15} 5T, H:19} 8P
- State Postal Codes:
- AL (Alabama)
- CT (Connecticut)
- ID (Idaho)
- IN (Indiana)
- LA (Louisiana)
- MI (Michigan)
- SD (South Dakota)
- VA (Virginia)
- Country Abbreviation Like:
- U.K. (United Kingdom)
- Acronyms Like:
- Words Like:
- Random Word: Based = Car = End = Key = That
- Symbol Word: Men
- Shape Names: Cube = Star
- Assassin Name: Jacob = Lee = Osama
- Negative Word: Ku
- Number Name: Two
- Government Official Names: Dee = Dr.
- Place Name: Dallas
- Place Piece Name: Cod
- State Name: Alabama
- Color Name: Blue
- Government Words: Days = Masses = Old = West
- Occult/Historic Name: Samos
- Occult Word: Age = Soul
- Religious Language: He
- Zodiac Name: Leo
- Cult/Saturn Animal: Owl
Lighter Tan:
Secondary Occult Number Patterns:
Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
- R:831, SOD:288, PR:787
- IO:212, D:188, H:312
- State Postal Codes:
- Words Like:
- Repeated Name: Michael
- Random Word: End
- Shape Names: Octagram
- Negative Word Combination: Ku Klux Klan
- Government Official Figures: Andrew Jackson = Donald Trump
- Place Name: Canada = Lake Huron = Marchant = Melbourne
- Location Name: Tal Abyad, Syria
- Government Words: Building = Federal = Operations
- Occult Words: Conjunction = Diamond
Factorization, Polygonal # Sum of Divisors:
- R:561} 33T, Hexagonal:17} 7P, SOD:288
- PR:977
- O:117, IO:245, D:221, ID:119, H:357
- Words Like:
- Random Word: Based = Car = End = Key = That
- Shape Names: Enneagram
- Number Name: Nine Eleven
- Place Name: Cleveland = Flagstaff = Lake Tahoe = Rome
- Government Words: Aliens = Marine
- Religious Word: Crucified
- Religious Word Combinations: Fallen Angel = New Testament = Saint Valentine = The Catholic Church
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: Scottish Rite
Off Tan:
Secondary Beast System Number Patterns:
Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
Occult Words and sums, Historic Names, Historic People Associations, Reported Weather Disaster Events, Established Dates, Research, Information, Data, Biblical, and Pagan
Occult Ritual Theme Number Patterns:
Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
- R:62, SOD:42
- PR:1
01 [11} 5P], TR:351 (Dissident) - O;ID:22, IO:32, D:3
0, H:38 - State Postal Codes:
- FL (Florida)
- Acronyms Like:
- B.O.I. (Bureau of Investigation)
- Words Like:
- Stage Name: Easy-E
- Character Role: Chekov
- Random Name: Sir
- Random Words: Against = Air = Deeds = Dog = Focus = Healed = Image = Is = Lesbian = Unity
- Personal Name: Keith
- Actor Name: Alan = Anton = Erin = Nick
- Psy-Op Word: Brain = Flag
- Negative Names: Apollo = Qaeda
- Negative Word: Dies = Disease = Enemy = Feeble = Flame = Killed = Never = Virus
- Government Official Names: Abraham = Eric = Gabbie = Joseph = Jr. = Myers = Putin
- Government Words: Action = Beach = Behold = Capital = Covid = Daytona = Grand = Greek = Hour = Largo = Laws = Letter = Park = Party = Place = Quest = Treaty = Warm
- Number Name: Twenty = Sixth
- Place Names: Chile = China = Dublin = Erie = Fontana = Istanbul = Phoenix
- State Names: Idaho = Nebraska
- Occult/Historic Names: Adonai = Antony = Emanuel = God = Lazarus = Thoth
- Occult Words: Chaos = Logic = Novus = Seal = Spell = Wilt
- Religious Words: Babylon = Faith = Hope = Qur'an = Temple = Torah
- Zodiac Names: Cancer = Pisces
- Occult Word Combination: New Age
- Cult/Saturn Words: Bones = Magick
- Sports Athlete Names: Bryant = Jordan
- Sports Word: Game
- R:93, SOD:56
- PR:167, TR:78
0[78} 12T] - IO:47} 15P, D:45, ID:33, H:57, IH:27
- State Postal Codes:
- NY (New York)
- Abbreviations Like:
- St. (Saint, Street)
- Words Like:
- Character Role: Batman = Dr. Lazarus
- Repeated Names: George = Junior = Michael = Robert
- Random Words: An = Belt = Bus = Flat = Humanity = Mosquito = New = Rolling = Straight
- Shape Word: Dot
- Psy-Op Words: Darren = Parker = Robbie
- Actor Name: Serling
- Entertainment Figure: Paul Walker
- Mind Words: Illusion = Insanity
- Assassin Name: Saddam = Sirhan
- Negative Words: Corrupt = Flu = Sin = Slaughter = Stranger
- Negative Word Combination: Mark of Beast
- Number Names: Ten = Sixteen = Twenty-one
- Number Placement: Eighth
- Government Official Names: Antonin = Clinton = Turner = Valentine
- Place Name: Lake Erie
- Place Piece Name: York
- State Names: Arizona = Hawaii = Montana = New York
- Government Words: Aliens = Computer = District = Divided = Electric = Empire = Federal = Freedom = Governor = Greed = Indian = Isopsephy = Knowledge = Marine = Mexican = Net = Newsweek = Project = Springs = Street = War = May = October
- Occult/Historic Names: Alexander = Akbar
- Religious Words: Angel = Belief = Believe = Coeptis = Demigod = Genesis = Muslim
- Occult Words: Clockwork = Diamond = Magician = Pagan = Vampire
- Zodiac Names: Gemini = Libra
- Cult/Saturn Words: Bonesmen = Masonry = Secrecy = Society = Synagogue
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: The Black Cube
- Sports Athlete Name: Jackie
- R:65, SOD:12
0[12] - PR:263, TR:1596
- O:46, IO:7
0, D:66} 11T, ID:48, H:86, IH:38 - Words Like:
- Random Word: All = Fertility = Friend = Level = Light = Sea = This = What
- Personal Names: Bernice = Wise
- Shape Name: Tetrahedron
- Singer Name: Davy
- Director Name: Lucas
- Space Words: Comet = Galactic
- Psy-Op Word Combination: Mind Control
- Assassin Name: Bin
- Negative Figure: Adolf Hitler
- Negative Words: Attack = Coronavirus = Impale = Massacre
- Negative Word Combination: Church of Satan
- Number Names: Three = One Thirteen = Nine One One
- Government Official Name: Vladimir
- Government Official Figures: James Garfield = Ronald Reagan
- Place Names: La Paz = Mobile = South Korea
- Location Names: Alamogordo, NM = Paris, France
- Government Words: Direction = Door = Leadership = Paper = Political = Revolution
- Month Name: April
- Government Word Combinations: Civil War = Gematria Code
- Religious Words: Pope = Abrahamic
- Religious Language: Bav
- Occult Words: Draconian = Ordo = Will
- Zodiac Name: Capricorn
- Occult Word Combination: Perfected Man
- Cult/Saturn Word: Rite
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: All Seeing Eye
- R:47, SOD:114
- PR:373 (False Flag School Shooting), TR:2775
- O:6
0, IO;H:112, D:88, ID:62 - Words Like:
- Stage Name: Ziggy
- Character Role: Ziggy Stardust
- Random Word: Leap
- Personal Name: Carl
- Shape Names: Hexagon = Line
- Singer Name: Lennon
- Psy-Op Victim Names: Trayvon
- Psy-Op Figures: George Zimmerman = Robert Wylkynson
- Actor Name: Alan Rickman
- Assassin Name: Oswald
- Negative Words: Trauma = Bad = Dark = Poison
- Negative Word Combination: New World Disaster
- Number Name: Eighty = Hundred
- Number Placement: Fourth
- Government Official Figures: Gabbie Giffords = George Washington
- Place Name: Hubert = Jacksonville = Juba = Moscow = Okinawa = Opa-locka
- State Name: Oregon
- Location Name: Brooklyn, New York
- Government Words: D-Day = English = Gematria = Jury = Nuclear = Old = Simple
- Government Word Combinations: Alphabetic Order = Black Tuesday = Valentines Day
- Religious Names: Jesus = Muhammad
- Religious Words: Cross = Gospel = Holiday = Julii = Messiah = Preacher = Trinity
- Occult Words: Energy = Occult = Synchronicity
- Cult/Saturn Words: Jewish = Masonic
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: Saturn Storm = Seal of Saturn
- Event Shooting Word Combination: Active Shooter
- R:25} SR:5, Bell:5, Decagonal:4, SOD:98
- PR:239, TR:1378
- O:42, IO:64} SR:8, D:62, ID:44, H:82, IH:34} 9P
- Words Like:
- Random Words: Fertility = Heart = Now = Remembrance = Temperature = This = What
- Personal Name: Wise
- Planet: Earth
- Actor Name: Davy
- Space Word: Galactic
- Negative Word: Devil = Division = Terrorist
- Negative Word Combination: Red Cross
- Government Official Name: Ted
- Number Name: Six
- Place Names: Alamogordo = Macedonia = Hampshire = Huntington =
- Place Piece Name: Pearl = South
- State Names: California = Indiana = Minnesota
- Government Words: African = Authority = Conference = Direction = Door = Gematria = Government = Leadership = Names = President = Revolution = Russian
- Government Word Combinations: Valentines Day = White House
- Occult Words: Magister = Ordo = Rite = Spirits = Will
- Occult Word Combination: The Cabal
- Religious Words: Pope = Create = Prophecy
- Zodiac Names: Aries = Capricorn
- Cult/Saturn Word: Brotherhood
Factorization, Regular #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:27, Regular#, SOD:195
- PR:359, TR:2628
- O:58, IO:11
0[11} 5P], D:86, ID:60, H:114, IH:48 - Words Like:
- Random Words: Accurate = Chickens = Inspiration
- Symbol Word: Himself
- Psy-Op Victim Name: Brown
- Mind Word: Ultra
- Assassin Name: Hitler
- Negative Word: Sadist
- Number Placement: First
- Government Official Names: Blythe = Jones
- Government Official Figures: Hillary Rodham = Prince William = William McKinley
- Place Names: Paris
- Place Piece Names: Sumner = Havasu
- Location Names: Baghdad, Iraq
- Government Words: Aeronautics = Bitcoin = Magnetic = Marriage = Money = Prohibition = Rocket = School = World
- Occult Word: Spiritually
- Occult Word Combination: Great Harvest
- Religious Words: Reborn = Saint
- Religious Language: Kaph
- Regular#, SOD:186
- PR:4
09[49]} SR:7, TR:3240[324} SR:18] - IO:61} 18P, D:57, ID:41} 13P, H:73} 21P, IH:31} 11P
- Words Like:
- Stage Name: Easy-E
- Random Name: Senior
- Repeated Name: Spencer
- Shape Name: Nonagon
- Psy-Op Victim: Trayvon Martin
- Actor Name: Alan
- Negative Word Combinations: Donald Trump Assassinated = St. Valentines Day Massacre
- Government Official Names: Davis = Myers = Putin
- Government Official Figures: Benjamin Harrison = Hillary Clinton
- Number Name: Sixth
- Place Name: Burma = Durango = Jersey = Mosul
- Location Name: Roseburg, Oregon
- Government Words: Civil = Daytona = Letter = Party = Armistice Day = Remembrance Day
- Occult Name: Baphomet = Santa
- Religious Name: Satan
- Religious Words: Creator = Rebirth
- Cult/Saturn Word: Bones
- Sports Athlete Name: Bryant
Factorization, Regular #, Polygonal #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:57, Regular#, Nonagonal:5, SOD:124
- PR:379, TR:285
0[285] - O:61} 18P, IO:113} 3
0P, D:89} 11F, 24P, ID:63, H:117 - Acronyms Like:
- L.A.P.D. (Los Angeles Police Department)
- Words Like:
- Random Name: Junior
- Repeated Name: Martin
- Random Word: Artist
- Personal Name: Melvin
- Shape Name: Octagon
- Psy-Op Word: Hostage
- Mind Word: Introspection
- Assassin Name: Booth
- Negative Figure: John Wilkes Booth
- Negative Words: Mean = Peril
- Negative Word Combination: New World Order
- Number Names: Twelve = Ninety
- Government Official Name: Madison
- Government Official Figure: James Madison
- Place Name: Newtown = Samos
- Place Piece Name: North
- Location Names: Baltimore, Maryland = Harajuku, Tokyo
- Government Words: Gate = Hotel = Name = Person = Revolutionary = Series = Street
- Occult Words: Order = Skull
- Religious Words: Amen = Muslim = Seed
- Occult Word Combination: Sacred Number
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: Five Pointed Star
- Sports Athlete Name: Kobe
- R:913 (Elton John), SOD:36
0[36} SR:6, 8T] - PR:2113, TR:51
040[514] - IO:477, D:453, ID:227} 49P, H:793
- Words Like:
- SOD:36
0[36]} SR:6, 8T - PR:2141
- O:211} 47P, IO:5
03} 96P [53]} 16P, D:459 (SpaceX), H:803 (Juba) [83} 23P], IH:143 - Words Like:
- Negative Word Combination: Valentine Beheaded
- Place Name: Des Moines
- Religious Words: Lucifer = Catholicism
- SOD:1
064 [164] - PR:3119
- O:292, IO:674 (Equinox), D:628 (Jackie), ID:310 [31} 11P], H:1
092 (Synchronicity) [192] - Words Like:
- Stage Name: Ziggy
- Shape Words: Hexagon = Point
- Singer Name: Lennon
- Psy-Op Word: Trauma
- Assassin Name: Oswald
- Negative Word: Killing
- Number Word: Eighty = Hundred
- Government Official Name: Hubert
- Place Name: Okinawa = Opa-locka
- State Name: North Dakota = Oregon
- Government Words: English = Gematria = Jury = Nuclear = Simple
- Occult Words: Energy = Occult
- Religious Words: Jesus = Lucifer = Muhammad = Cross = Gospel = Holiday = Messiah = Preacher
- Cult/Saturn Words: Jewish = Masonic
Fibonacci ; Triangular #, Factorization, Polygonal # Sum of Divisors:
- Heptagonal:5, SOD:72
- PR:257, TR:154
0[154] - O:45, IO:67} 19P, D:65, ID:47} 15P, H:85, IH:37} 12P
- Acronyms Like:
- B.O.I. (Bureau of Investigation)
- Words Like:
- Stage Name: Easy-E
- Random Words: Dog = Parable = Therefore
- Psy-Op Figure: Kim Jong Nam
- Actor Name: Michele = Richardson
- Actor Full Name: Erin Moran
- Negative Words: Bloodlines = Insensitive = Poisoning = Wicked
- Number Names: Twenty
- Number Placement: Thirteenth = Sixth
- Government Official Names: Davis = Edward = Gabrielle = Myers
- Place Name: Burma = Cambridge = Hiroshima = Istanbul = Minneapolis = Mosul = North Korea
- Place Piece Name: Bernardino = Guantanamo
- State Name: Nebraska = Virginia = Wisconsin
- Location Name: Long Beach, CA
- Government Words: Anagram = Civil = Department = Laws = Numerology = Party = Researcher = Warm = Military
- Month Name: December
- Government Word Combinations: Armistice Day = Eleventh Month = False Logic = Project Anvil = St. Valentines Day = Takeshita Street = Whig Party = World War Two
- Occult Name: Santa
- Occult/Historic Figure: Hiram Abiff
- Occult Word Combination: New Age
- Religious Names: God = Satan
- Religious Words: Awaken = Minister = Predecessor = Sephiroth
- Religious Word Combination: Fallen Angel
- Cult/Saturn Word: Bones
- Automobile Word Combination: Car Crash
- Film Title: Galaxy Quest
Fibonacci #, Prime #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:98, SOD:9
0 - PR:461 (Alexandria), TR:4
005 [45} 9T] - IO:131} 32P, D:1
05} 14T [15} 5T], ID:75, H:137} 33P, IH:59} 17P - Words Like:
- Random Word: Winter
- Personal Name: Mullins
- Shape Word: Heptagram
- Psy-Op Word: Shooter
- Psy-Op Word Combination: Trauma Based Mind Control
- Negative Word: Virus
- Negative Word Combination: Valentine Beheaded
- Government Official Name: Joseph
- Government Official Figures: Edward Moore Kennedy = Honest Abe
- State Name: Virginia
- Location Names: Bruhl Station, Germany = Los Angeles, California = Vancouver, Washington
- Government Words: Greek = Number = Treaty = United
- Month Name: August
- Government Word Combinations: American Revolution = False Logic = St. Valentines Day
- Religious/Historic Names: Alexandria = Antony = Nimrod = Osiris
- Occult Words: Religion = Chaos = Logic
- Religious Word Combinations: Fallen Angel = The Book of Formation
- Film / Book Title: Davinci Code
Prime #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:71} 2
0P, SOD:18 {6+6+6} 666 - PR:59, TR:153, FR:1597
- O;ID:15} 5T, IO:21} 8F, 6T, D:19} 8P, H:23} 9P, IH:11} 5P
- State Postal Codes:
- Acronyms Like:
- B.O.I. (Bureau of Investigation)
- D.M.T. (Dimethyltryptamine)
- D.N.A. (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
- F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
- N.B.C. (National Broadcasting Company)
- R.F.K. (Robert Francis Kennedy)
- Abbreviations Like:
- Words Like:
- Random Words: And = Demo = Dog = Is = Naked = Weed
- Symbol Word: Man
- Psy-Op Words: Flag = Lone
- Actor Name: Pat = Ross
- Assassin Name: Leon
- Negative Words: Kill = Shot
- Place Words: Alton = Lima = Mali = Mosul
- Place Piece Words: Bay = Gulf = Los
- Month Name: August
- Color Name: Grey
- Government Words: Ebola = Hero = Prey = Space = Week
- Occult Words: Eye = Karma = Yod
- Religious/Historic Names: God = Zeus
- Religious Words: Hell = Thou
- Religious Language: Lamed
- Cult/Saturn Name: El
- Cult/Saturn Word: Mason
- Sports Words: Game = Goal
- R:112, SOD:212
- PR:1297
- O:137} 33P, IO:323, D:3
01 [31} 11P], ID:157} 37P, H:529} SR:23 - Words Like:
- Government Official Name: Alton
- Government Word Combination: False Logic
- Shape Name: Tetradecagon
- Negative Word: Necrophiliac
- Cult/Saturn Word: Mason
Triangular #, Factorization, Regular #, Polygonal #, Sum of Divisors:
- Regular#, Decagonal:2, SOD:18 {6+6+6} 666
- PR:29, TR;FR:55
- O:8} F6, IO;D:12, H:16} SR:4
- State Postal Codes:
- AR (Arkansas)
- GA (Georgia)
- HI (Hawaii)
- IA (Iowa)
- MD (Maryland)
- MO (Missouri)
- NC (North Carolina)
- NE (Nebraska)
- OK (Oklahoma)
- PA (Pennsylvania)
- TX (Texas)
- Acronyms Like:
- Abbreviations Like:
- Words Like:
Triangular #, Factorization, Polygonal #, Sum of Divisors:
- Hexagonal:6, SOD:144} SR:12, 12F
- PR:317, TR:2211
- O:54, IO;H:1
02 [12], D:78} 12T, ID:56, IH:42 - Words Like:
- Stage Name: Elton
- Repeated Name: Byers
- Random: Event
- Actor Full Names: Dorian Johnson = George Carlin = Michael Mantenuto
- Psy-Op Character: Robbie Parker
- Psy-Op Victim: Eric Wright = Michael Brown
- Psy-Op Word: Lost
- Assassin Name: Ruby
- Negative Words: Beasts = Corona = Homicide
- Negative Animal: Wolves
- Negative Word Combinations: Dead at Sixty-nine = Number of the Beast
- Number Names: Five = Nine
- Number Name Combination: Thirty-three
- Government Official Names: Hans = Moore = Turner
- Government Official Figures: Patrick Kennedy = Robert Kennedy = Robert Turner (III)
- Place Names: Cincinnati = Holland = Lake Erie = Lubbock = Lyon = Pearl Harbor
- Government Words: Empire = Freedom = Math = Ruger = Time
- Government Word Combinations: Hotel New World = New York Times
- Occult Word: Ancient
- Religious Words: Coptic = Fish = Monotheistic
- Religious Figure: St. Valentine
- Religious Word Combinations: Gutenberg Bible = New Testament = The Number of a Man
- Cult/Saturn Word: Nazis
- R:351} 26T, Hexagonal:9, SOD:234
- PR:883
- O:1
07} 28P [17} 7P], IO:231} 21T, D:207 [27], ID:109} 29P [19]} 8P, H:339, IH:99 - Words Like:
- Random Word: Inspiration
- Birth Name: Erin Marie Moran
- Place Name: Nagasaki
- Government Word: Corporation = Publishing
- Government Word Combinations: April Fourth = Eleventh Hour = National Rifle Association
- Occult/Historic Name: Tutankhamun
- Occult Words: Alchemist = Scientology
- Zodiac Name: Sagittarius
- Religious Word Combination: Holy Bible
Triangular #, Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
- R:153} 17T, SOD:56
0[56] - PR:2371
- O:233} 13F, 51P, IO:537, D:493, ID:253} 22T, H:849
- Words Like:
- Government Word: Dissident
Square Root #, Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
- R:94, SOD:57
- PR:227, TR:1225
- IO:61} 18P, D:57, ID:41} 13P, H:73} 21P, IH:31} 11P
- Acronyms Like:
- N.Y.P.D. (Los Angeles Police Department)
- Words Like:
- Stage Name: David Bowie
- Characters Name: Cunningham
- Random Words: That = View = Universe
- Symbol Word: Men
- Shape Word: Decagon = Hypercube = Octahedron = Pentagram = Triangle
- Psy-Op Name: Zimmerman
- Psy-Op Victims: Autumn Snyder = Rodney King
- Psy-Op Word Combinations: Comet Ison
- Actor Name: Rickles
- Negative Words: Destruction = Dishonest = Mutation = Operation
- Assassin Name: Osama
- Negative Word Comkbinations: God is Dead
- Government Official Names: Benjamin = Washington
- Government Official Figure: Nancy Reagan
- Number Name: Eight = Seventy-seven
- Number Placement: Fifth
- Place Name: America = Dallas = Fort Myers = Lake Ontario = Madrid = Mozambique = Myrtle Beach = Parkland = Singapore = Tahoe
- Color Name: Green
- Government Words: Connection = Curiosity = Days = Dimensions = Fort = Legislative = Logo = National = Parallel = Republic = Research = Superior =Veterans
- Government Word Combinations: Eleventh Day
- Occult/Historic Names: Hiram = Pythagoras
- Occult Words: Unicorns
- Religious Words: Apocalypse = Catholicism = Divinity = Methodist = Revelation
- Religious Language: Yetzirah
- Zodiac Name: Leo
- Cult/Saturn Word: Scottish
- Film Title: Die Hard
- SOD:133
- PR:661, TR:7381
- O:81} SR:9, IO:171} 18T, D:169} SR:13, H:289} SR:17, IH:79} 22P
- Acronyms Like:
- Words Like:
- Negative: Disaster
- Negative Word Combination: Blood Sacrifice
- Government Official Figures: Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. = Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr.
- Place Name: Fort Sumner = Lake Ontario
- Location Names: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia = Halle, Germany
- Government Words: Dimensions = Legislative = Superior = Valentines
- Government Word Combination: Eleventh Day
- Religious Word: Revelation
- SOD:272, PR:1229, TR:2
0301[231} 21T] - O:129, IO:311} 64P, D:289, ID:149, H:513
- Words Like:
- Shape Name: Enneadecagon
- Planet Name: Mars
- Psy-Op Victim: Michael Brown
- Actor Name: Moran
- Negative/Historic Name: Apollo
- Government Official Figure: James Madison
- Number Placement: Third
- Place Name: Indianapolis
- Government Words: Confederate = Roman
- Occult Word Combination: Sacred Number
- Religious Word Combination: The Jesuit Order
- Sports Word Combination: Kentucky Wildcats
- Film Title: The Twilight Zone
Yellow / Dark Red:
666 Beast System Theme Number Patterns:
- R:36} SR:6, 8T, SOD:1
04 [14] - PR:3
07 [37} 12P], TR:2016[216 {6*6*6} 666] - O:51, IO:77, D:75, ID:53} 16P, H:99
- Words Like:
- Characters Role: Yoda
- Random Words: Inspiration = Spread
- Shape Name: Concave
- Actor Name: Hoffman
- Psy-Op Color Name: Brown
- Psy-Op Word: Ultra
- Negative Words: Die = Jihadists = Mad = Racism
- Government Official Name: Jones
- Number Name: Eleven
- Number Placement: First
- Place Name: Iraq = Nagasaki = Paris
- Place Piece Name: Angeles
- Location Name: Baghdad, Iraq
- Government Words: Corporation = East = Genetic = Money = Politician = World
- Government Word Combinations: Alien Invasion = April Fourth = Eleventh Hour = Statue of Liberty
- Occult/Historic Name: Tutankhamun
- Occult Words: Divine = Saint
- Occult Word Combination: The Magician
- Religious Word: Gods
- Religious Word Combination: The Bible Code
- R:432 {+ 234} = 666, SOD:546
- PR:1481
- O:156, IO:352, D:328, ID:176, H:564
- State Postal Codes:
- NY (New York)
- Abbreviations Like:
- St. (Street, Saint)
- Words Like:
- Random Words: Belt = Flat = For
- Shape Name: Dot
- Negative Word: Flu
- Negative Word Combinations: Mark of the Beast
- Government Official Figure: William McKinley
- Number Name: Ten
- Month Name: May
- Government Words: Greed = Net = Times
- Occult Word: Pagan
- Religious Word: Angel = Belief
- Religious Word Combination: The Bible Code
- Sports Athlete Name: Jackie
Factorization, Regular #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:612, Regular#, SOD:6
00 - PR:1321
- O:142, IO:33
0, D:306 [36]} SR:6, 8T, ID:160[16]} SR:4, H:534 - State Postal Codes:
- Words Like:
- Random Words: Airplane = Child = Fools
- Government Official Name: Barack = Jay
- Place Name: Birmingham = Guantanamo Bay = Parkland
- Assassin Name: Laden
- Religious Language: Kaph
- R:234 {+ 432}= 666, Regular#, SOD:124
0[124] - PR:3
011 [311} 64P] - O:282, IO:66
0[66} 11T], D:614, ID:300} 24T, H:1074 [174] - Words like:
- Psy-Op Victim/Color Name: Brown
- Psy-Op Word: Ultra
- Assassin Name: Hitler
- Negative Word: Sadist
- Government Official Name: Blythe
- Place Name: Havasu = Melbourne
- Location Names: Baghdad, Iraq = Baltimore, Maryland
- Day Name: Monday
- Government Words: Bitcoin = Magnetic = Marriage = Money = Rocket = School = World
- Occult Word: Reborn
- Religious Word Combination: The Creator
Factorization, Regular #, Polygonal #, Sum of Divisors:
18: 2*3*3[233} 13F, 51P], 6+6+6[666] ; 2*9[29} 1
- R:81} SR:9, Regular#, Heptagonal:3, SOD:39
- PR:61, TR:171, FR:2584
- IO:22, D:2
0, ID:16} SR:4, H:24, IH:12 - State Postal Codes:
- Words Like:
- Stage Name: Fat
- Character Role: Yod
- Random: Autumn = Tamara = Buckle = Half = Me = Off = Spade
- Actor Name: Jay
- Psy-Op Word: Ultra
- Assassin Names: Cain = Laden
- Negative Words: Die = Fox = Mad = Pit = Race = Sadist
- Government Official Name: Barack = Roth = Scalia
- Place Name: Havasu
- Government Words: Code = Elect = Money
- Color Name: Red
- Religious Name: Enoch
- Religious Words: Gods = Islam = Saint
- Religious Language: Kaph = Vav
- Religious Word Combination: Black Sea
- Cult/Saturn Word: Masons
Triangular #, Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
- SOD:1482
- PR:4973
- O:438, IO:1232, D:942, ID:476, H:1638
- Words Like:
- Random Word: Humanity = Temperature
- Shape Name: Icosahedron
- Psy-Op Words: Illusion = Insanity
- Psy-Op Victim Name: Jape
- Negative Words: Corrupt = Lustful = Slaughter = Stubborn
- Negative Word Combinations: Mark of Beast
- Place Name: New Mexico = New York
- Government Words: Citizen = Computer = Formation = Helicopter
- Occult Words: Clockwork = Necromancy = Witchcraft = Xenophobic
- Religious Word: Prophecy
- Cult/Saturn Word: Operative
Triangular #, Square Root #, Factorization, Regular #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:63, Regular#, SOD:91
- PR:151, TR:666
- O;ID:3
0, IO:44, D:42, H:54, IH:24 - State Postal Codes:
- Words Like:
- Repeated Name: Autumn
- Random Words: Buckle = Chickens = Child = Spread = Toilet
- Symbol Word: Himself
- Actor Name: Hoffman = Joanie = Rodney
- Psy-Op Word: Ultra
- Mind Word: Thought
- Assassin Name: Hitler = Laden
- Negative Words: Fox = Jihadists = Missing = Pit
- Government Official Name: Barack = Jay = Sumner
- Number Name: First
- Place Name: Antarctica = Baghdad = Djibouti = Havasu = Miami = Paris
- Government Words: Bitcoin = Bridge = Chemical = Dealer = Elected = Genetic = Leader = Magnetic = Rights = Rocket
- Occult/Historic Name: Tutankhamun
- Religious Names: Daniel = Euclid
- Occult Words: Alchemist = Oracle = Temples
- Religious Words: Divine = Islam = Reborn = Saint
- Religious Languages: Kaph = Vav
- Cult/Saturn Color Name: Black
- Cult/Saturn Word: Masons
Dark Red:
Polygonal# Patterns:
Factorization, Polygonal #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:53} 16P, Pentagonal:5, SOD:48
- PR:149, TR:63
0[63] - O:29} 1
0P, IO:43} 14P, D:41} 13P, H:53} 16P - Acronyms:
- Words Like:
- Stage Name: Vanity
- Stage Full Name: Fat Pat
- Repeated Name: Senior = Spencer
- Random Words: Ant = Do = Edible = Flight = Healed = Image = Naked = To = Who = Winter
- Shape Name: Nonagon
- Actor Name: Gruber = Marie = Michele = Seymour
- Psy-Op Word: Screen = Shooter
- Negative Words: Failed = Feeble = Headache = Wicked
- Government Official Name: Barry = Bill = Davis = Dwight = Edward = Eric = Reagan = Ronald = Soetoro = Taylor = Zachary
- Government Official Title: Honest Abe
- Number Name: Eighteen = Thirty = Fifty -one
- Number Placement: Eleventh
- Place Name: Chicago = Durango = Honolulu = India = Jersey = Lima = Mali = Moldova = Redmond = Vermont
- Place Piece Name: Guantanamo = Harbor = Kingdom = Los = United
- Day Name: Thursday
- Government Words: Border = Civil = Country = Divide = Ebola = Movement = Number
- Occult/Historic Name: Baphomet = Davinci = Osiris = Santa
- Religious Names: Damien = Iesus = Nimrod = Satan
- Occult Words: Eye = Hidden = Mystery
- Occult Word Combination: Black Magic
- Religious Words: Awaken = Cabal = Catholic = Creator
- Religious Languages: Lamed = Sepher
- Zodiac Names: Aquarius = Virgo
- Cult/Saturn Name: Elohim
- Cult/Saturn Word: Thelema
- Automobile Word Combination: Car Crash
- R:56, Octagonal:5, SODS:84
- PR:313, TR:2145
- O:53} 16P, IO;H:1
01} 26P [11} 5P], D:77 , ID:55} 10T;F, IH:41} 13P - Words Like:
- Repeated Name: Mark
- Random Words: Center = Loyal = Method = Remembrance
- Actor Name: Ryder
- Actor Full Name: Winona Ryder
- Assassin Name: Surrat
- Negative Words: Pandemic = Swine = Terrorist
- Negative Word Combination: Order of Death
- Government Official Name: Andrew = Ford = Henry = Lynn
- Government Official Figures: Edward Kennedy = Zachary Taylor
- Number Name: Seven = Fifteen
- Number Placement: Ninth
- Place Name: Macedonia = United Kingdom
- State Name: California = Florida = Kansas
- Color Name: White
- Government Words: Armistice = Book = Intelligence = Investigation = Month
- Occult Word Combination: Knights Templar
- Cult/Saturn Word: Brotherhood = Speculative
- Sport Word: Coach
- Pentagonal:7, SOD:144} SR:12;F
- PR:349, TR:2485
- O:56, IO:106[16} SR:4], D:84, H:112, IH:46
- Words Like:
- Character Name: Riddler
- Random Words: Loyal
- Random Word Combinations: Legendary Artist
- Actor Name: Philip = Ryder = Wilson
- Psy-Op Word: Zombie
- Negative Words: Coronavirus = Klan = Racist = Swine
- Negative Word Combinations: Church of Satan = Hell Gate
- Government Official Name: Francis = Henry = Reginald = Walker
- Government Official Figures: Melinda Gates = Richard Nixon = Vladimir Lenin
- Number Name: Seven
- Number Placement: Ninth
- Place Name: Snohomish County = Tucson = United Kingdom
- Place Piece Name: Benton
- Location Name: Paris, France
- Color Name: White
- Government Words: Club = Gold = Landfill = Month
- Government Word Combinations: Gematria Code = Saint Valentines Day
- Occult Word: Synchronicity
- Religious Word: Vatican
- Cult/Saturn Word: Secret
- Cult/Saturn Word Combinations: Black Box = Star of David
- R:211} 47P, Heptagonal:7, SOD:248
- PR:613, TR:6328
- O:74, IO:16
0[16} SR:4], D:158, ID:94, H:274, IH:70 - Words Like:
- Psy-Op Character Name: Zimmerman
- Shape Name: Circle
- Negative Words: Funeral = Unknown
- Government Official Name: Donald
- Government Official Figures: Andrew Yang
- Number Name: Fourteen
- Place Names: Boulder = Houston = Manila = Myrtle Beach
- Government Words: Connection = Mathematics = Veterans = Victory
- Occult Word: Imagination = Intuition
- Religious Word: Fallen = Catholicism = Divinity = Sacred
- Religious Languages: Yetzirah
- R:711, Pentagonal:9, SOD:182
- PR:643, TR:69
03[693] - O:79} 22P, IO:165, D:163} 38P, ID:99, H:279, IH:75
- Words Like:
- Symbol Word: Himself
- Government Official Name: Gerald = Scalia
- Number Name: Thirteen
- Place Name: England
- Place Piece Name: Helena
- State Name: Alaska = Illinois
- Government Words: Bitcoin = Bridge = Dealer = Inventor = Leader = Publishing
- Government Word Combination: Golden Globes
- Religious Names: Daniel
- Religious Word: Testament
- R:541} 1
00P, Pentagonal:10, SOD:180[18 {6+6+6} 666] - PR:829, TR:1
0585[1585] - O;ID:1
01} 26P [11} 5P], IO:221, D:197} 45P, H:325} 25T, IH:91} 13T - Words Like:
- Government Official Name: Abraham = Jefferson = Vladimirovich
- Place Name: North Korea
- State Name: Nebraska
- Government Word: Numerology
- Government Word Combination: Project Anvil
- Negative Words: Contagion = Demonology = Insensitive
- Negative Word Combinations: Donald Trump Assassinated = St. Valentines Day Massacre
- Religious Word: Catholic
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: Cube of Saturn
- Sport Word: Lineman
- Automobile Word Combination: Car Crash
- Film Title: Galaxy Quest
- R:841} SR:29, Heptagonal:8, SOD:266
- PR:857, TR:11
026 [1126] - IO:224, D:2
00, ID:104 [14], H:328, IH:94 - Words Like:
- Psy-Op Character Name: Robbie
- Shape Name: Pentagram
- Negative Words: Destruction = Ni**er
- Negative Word Combinations: Al Qaeda Terrorist Attack
- Government Official Name: Benjamin
- Birth Name: Erin Marie Moran-Fleishmann
- Place Name: Baltimore = Mozambique = North Carolina
- Government Word: Decipher = Language
- Government Word Combination: World War One
- R:451, Nonagonal:7, SOD:288
- PR:887
- O:1
08 [18 {6+6+6} 666], IO:232, D:208[28} 7T], H:340[34} 9F] - Words Like:
- Psy-Op Victim: Oscar Grant
- Entertainment Figure: Ralph Evans
- Shape Name: Heptagram
- Negative Name: Rothschild
- Negative Words: Genocide
- Government Official Name: Garfield
- Government Official Figure: Honest Abe
- Government Word: Department
- R:571} 1
05P, Decagonal:7, SOD:248 - PR:1
039[139} 34P], TR:15400[154] - O:125, IO:257} 55P, D:233} 13F, 51P, ID:127} 31P, H:373} 74P
- Words Like:
- Random Figure: Autumn Snyder
- Random Word: Reliability
- Shape Name: Dodecagon
- Assassin Figure: Lee Harvey Oswald
- Negative Word Combinations: God is Dead = St. Valentine Beheaded
- Number Name: Seventy-seven
- Location Name: Tucson, Arizona
- Government Word Combination: Alien Base
- Religious Name: Pope
- Religious Figure: Pope Francis
- Film Title: Missing in Action
- Decagonal:8, SOD:45
0[45} 9T] - PR:1459, TR:27
028[2728] - O:154, IO:35
0[35], D:326, ID:174, H:562 - Words Like:
- R:143, Octagonal:11} 5P, SOD:384
- PR:2293
- O:225, IO:525, D:481, ID:245, H:833, IH:155
- Words Like:
- Shape Name: Octahedron
- Place Name: Barnstable
- Government Word: Politics
- R:8
04[84], Octagonal:12, SOD:1080[108, 18] - PR:28
01[281} 60P] - IO:630} 35T [63], D:584, H:1
032[132} 6C], IH:198 - Words Like:
- Stage Name: Lemmy
- Random Word: Trait
- Personal Name: Lewis
- Shape Name: Dodecagon
- Symbol Word: Planet
- Negative Words: Klux = Murdered
- Negative Word Combinations: God is Dead
- Government Official Name: Benjamin
- Place Name: Denver = Madagascar
- Month Name: July
- Government Word: Abyad = Bureau = Decipher = House = Language = Logos = Market = SpaceX = Stock = Years
- Government Word Combinations: Alien Base = Bill and Melinda Gates
- Occult Name: Hermes
- Cult/Saturn Word Combination: Morals and Dogma
- Sport Word: Lineman
Negative Words and sums, Assassin and Killer Names, Satanic connections, Reported Bombing Events, Death lesson dates, Death. Death Theme Negative Number Patterns:
Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
- R:59} 17P, SOD:12
0} 15T [12] - PR:499, TR:456
0[456] - IO:137} 33P, D:113} 3
0P, H:149} 35P - Words Like:
- Repeated Name: Hussein
- Shape Name: Pentagram
- Planet Name: Neptune
- Actor Name: Johnson
- Negative Words: Disaster = Killer
- Negative Word Combinations: Saint Valentines Day Massacre
- Government Official Name: Fraser = Fred = Gregory
- Number Name: One
- Place Name: Hungary
- Place Piece Name: Everett = Puerto
- Government Words: Administration = Superior
- Day Name: Tuesday
- Occult/Historic Place Name: Athens
- Occult Words: Cycles = Unicorn
- Occult Word Combinations: Yin-Yang
- Religious Words: Martyr = Purify
- Zodiac Name: Scorpio
- R:221, SOD:186
- PR:673, TR:75
03[753] - O:82, IO:172, D:17
0[17} 7P], H:290[29} 10P] - Words Like:
- Stage Name: Stardust
- Random Words: Agreed = Reliability = Silence = Universal
- Psy-Op Victim: Rodney King
- Negative Words: Biased = Satanic
- Government Official Name: Boehner
- Place Name: Key Largo = Mozambique
- Government Word: Organic
- Government Word Combination: Police Officer
- Month Name: November
- Occult/Historic Name: Buddha
- Occult Words: Alchemy = Pharaoh
- Religious Word: Protestant
- R:781, SOD:216
- PR:1117
- IO:273, D:247, ID:137} 33P, H:391
- Words Like:
- Assassin Name: Adolf Hitler
- Government Official Figure: George Washington
- Location Names: Kansas City, Kansas = Paris, France
- Government Word: Investigation
- Religious Word: Abrahamic
- Religious Word Combination: Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
- Cult/Saturn Word: Bones
264: 2*2*2*3*11[222311} 198
- R:462, SOD:72
0[72] - PR:1693
- O:18
0[18], IO:410[41} 13P], D:364, H:612, 108[18] - State Postal Codes:
- TX (Texas)
- Words Like:
Factorization, Polygonal #, Sum of Divisors:
Factorization, Catalan #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:41} 13P, Catalan:4, SOD:24
- PR:43, TR:1
05[15], FR:377 - O;ID:12, IO;D:16} SR:4, H:2
0 - State Postal Codes:
- AL (Alabama)
- CA (California)
- ID (Idaho)
- IN (Indiana)
- LA (Los Angeles)
- MI (Michigan)
- OH (Ohio)
- SC (South Carolina)
- Acronyms Like:
- C.N.N. (Cable News Network)
- Words Like:
- Random Words: Cell = Duo = Easy = End = Ism = Joke = Key
- Symbol Word: Men
- Psy-Op Victim: Jape
- Actor Name: Paul
- Assassin Name: Lee
- Negative Words: Bomb = Dead = Klux = Slave
- Government Official Names: Bush = Dee = Dr. = Obama
- Number Name: Two
- Place Name: Dade = Salem
- Place Piece Name: Cod
- Month Names: June = July
- Government Words: Logo = Naval = Old = Statue = Stock
- Occult Words: Age = Box
- Religious Words: Fate = Snake = Stars
- Zodiac Name: Leo
- Cult/Saturn Animal: Owl
Prime #, Sum of Divisors:
- R:14, SOD:42
- PR:179, TR:861
- O:33, IO:51, D:49} SR:7, ID:35, H:65, IH:29} 1
0P - State Postal Codes: AL = ID = LA
- Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Elton John
- Random: King = Duo = Humorous = Ism = Joke = Key = Penguin = Silence = Universe
- Symbol / Planet/Shape: Dodecagon = Heptagon = Hexagram = Pentagram = Pyramid = Triangle = Mercury = Uranus
- Psy-Op: Comet Ison
- Negative: Abortions = Biased = Dishonest = Killer = Terror = God is Dead
- Government / Place Name: Fraser = Hillary = Wylkynson = Fourteen = Nineteen = Baltimore = Dallas = Key Largo = Long Beach = Madrid = Malibu = Myanmar = Oklahoma = Alien = Alphabetic = Banking = Citizen = Facebook = Magazine = Mainstream = Masses = Organic = Perjury = Republic = Research = Teaching = Victory = West = November = Old World
- Occult: Apocalypse = Box = Chalice = Crucify = Draco = He = Master = Methodist = Purify = Reptile = Soul = Templar = Unicorn = Unicorns = Yetzirah = Scorpio = Yin Yang
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Skull and Bones
- Sports Related: Kobe Bryant
- Film / Book Title: Die Hard
- R:37} 12P, SOD:74
- PR:367, TR:27
01[271} 58P] - O:59} 17P, IO:111, D:87, ID:61} 18P, H:115, IH:49} SR:7
- Acronyms Like: N.A.S.A.
- Words Like:
- Random: Nicolas = Winter
- Symbol: Solar Eclipse
- Negative: Enemy = Sacrifice = Valentine Beheaded
- Government / Place Name: Abe = Jackson = Joseph = Vladimirovich = David Robert Jones = Hillary Clinton = Alton = Britain = Lima = Mali = Mauritania = Birmingham, AL = Roseburg, Oregon = Association = Country = Number = Ordinal = Treaty = United = August
- Occult: Antony = Nimrod = Osiris = Hiram Abiff = Torah
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Mason
- Sports Related: Goal = Rugby
- Random: William = Level = Light = Purpose
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Lucas = Robert Wylkynson = Comet
- Negative / Assassin Name: Harvey = Wilkes = Massacre = Murder
- Government / Number/Place Name: Lincoln = Warren = Three = Seventy = Gabbie Giffords = James Garfield = Cheyenne = Dayton = La Paz = Brooklyn, New York = Democrat = Investigation = Lake = Paper = April
- Occult: Annuit = Draconian = Spirits = Wisdom = Knights Templar
- Saturn Connection: Dualism = The Synagogue of Satan
- R:79} 22P, SOD:98
- PR:5
09[59} 17P], TR:4753 - IO:141, D:115, ID:81} SR:9, H:151} 36P, IH:61} 18P
- Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Sir Elton Hercules John
- Random: Burgundee = Center = Method = Remembrance
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Alan Rickman = Control = Zombicon
- Negative / Assassin Name: Adolf = Serpent = Tsunami = Violent = New World Disaster
- Government / Number/Place Name: Andrew = Sixty = Kansas = Ontario = Alexandria, Virginia = Armistice = Direction = Egyptian = Hampshire = Leadership = Numbers = Political = Present = Reverse = Civil War
- Occult: Capricorn
- Saturn Connection: Prince = Death = Duality
- Film / Book Titles: Star Wars
- Random: Spencer = It
- Symbol / Shape: Nonagon
- Psy-Op / : Richardson = Shooting
- Negative: Killed = Swine Flu
- Government / Number/Place Name: Seventeen = Durango = Los Angeles = Bruhl Station, Germany = Northern Savonia, Finland = Bipartisan = Daytona = Divide = Military = Movement = Parliament = American Revolution
- Occult: Creator = Minister = Rebirth = Aquarius
- R:113} 3
0P, SOD:312, PR:2069[269} 57P] - O:2
02[22], IO:470[47]} 15P, D:446, ID:220[22], H:786, IH:138 - Words Like:
- Psy-Op: Don Rickles
- Government: Joseph Patrick Kennedy = Rhode Island = Bernardino = Trade Mark
Sacrifice, Murder by Numbers Theme
- Random: John = All = As = Bathtub = Candy = Deaf = Free = From = Leap = Level = Loyal = Rock = Sea = Tactful = This = Was = What
- Symbol / Personal: Wise = Solar
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Davy = Comet = Trauma = Zika
- Negative / Assassin Name: Adolf = Bin = Oswald = Assassin = Bad = Cage
- Government / Number/Place Name: Henry = Lynn = Roth = Six = Seven = Eilat = La Paz = Tucson = Book = Cape = Dday = Door = Gold = Google = Judge = Jury = Month = News = San = South
- Occult: Abel = Caesar = Julius = Bav = Cross = Obey = Occult = Ordo = Will = Yang
- Saturn Connection: Death = Lodge = Time
- R:72, Regular#, Decagonal:3, SOD:4
0, PR:103 [13} F7, 6P], TR:378 - O;ID:23} 9P, IO:33, D:31} 11P, H:39
- State Postal Codes: AZ = NM
- Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Fat
- Random: Accurate = By = Child = Half = Health = Honest = Off = Spade = Spread = Toilet
- Symbol / Shape: Concave = Square
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Bowie = Brown = Joanie = Matt = Rodney
- Negative: Cain = Laden = Illness = Knife = Race = Racism = Car Bomb
- Government / Number/Place Name: Blythe = Jones = Lenin = Sumner = Eleven = First = Baghdad = Cape Cod = Helena = Iraq = Key West = Malaysia = Miami = Nagasaki = Paris = Angeles = Base = Code = Dealer = East = Elect = Elected = Leader = Money = Red = Rocket = School = World = January
- Occult: Daniel = Enoch = Euclid = Oracle = Testament = Temples
- Nonagonal:4, SOD:72, PR:199, TR:1
081 [181} 42P] - O:38, IO:56, D:54, H:7
0 - State Postal Codes: GA
- Acronyms Like: R.F.K.
- Words Like:
- Random: Sir = Against = Ant = Legendary = Lesbian = Obedience = Perfected = Rest = Who = Unity = On the Level
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Erin = Marie = Joyce Byers = Lone
- Negative / Assassin Name: Leon = Rubenstein = Contagion = Deception = Disease = Epidemic = Execution = Sacrifice = Shot = Virus
- Government / Number/Place Name: Abraham = Garfield = Jefferson = Reagan = Eighteen = Fifty-one = Honest Abe = Ted Kennedy = Baton Rouge = Chicago = Connecticut = Louisville = Michigan = Phoenix = Vatican City = Behold = Bipartisan = Capital = Greek = Gulf = Hero = Hour = Los = Meridian = Microsoft = Park = Parliament = Thursday
- Occult: Damien = Davinci = Lazarus = Osiris = Catholic = Chaos = Creator = Crusade = Eye = Logic = Magical = Rebirth = Religion = Jesuit Pope
- Saturn Connection: Cube of Saturn
- Sports Related: Chase Young
68: 2*2*17
- Stage Name / Character: Screech Powers
- Random: Autumn Snyder = Clown = Fools = Trait
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Planet = Dodecagon = Line = Uranus
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Lemmy = Neil = Mind
- Negative / Assassin Name: Destruction = Killed = Klux = Lying = Necrophiliac = Pain = Terror = God is Dead
- Government / Place Name: Benjamin = Nancy Davis Reagan = Barnstable = Denver = Madagascar = Samos = Fortworth, Texas = Seattle, Washington = Blue = Bureau = Decipher = House = Language = Legislative = Logos = Market = Mathematics = SpaceX = Stock = Water = Years = July = Alien Base = One World Order
- Occult: Hermes = Age = Catholicism = Crucifixion = Imagination
- Sports Related: Basketball = Lineman
- Random: Airplane = Cell = Life = Where
- Symbol: Symbol
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Menza = Thomas = Winona = Yelchin
- Negative / Assassin Name: Bomb = Negro = Slave = Dragon Bloodlines = St. Valentine Beheaded
- Government / Place Name: Nixon = Sidney = Third = Eric Lynn Wright = Bismarck = Columbia = Eritrea = Huron = Oklahoma = Fortworth, Texas = Tucson, Arizona = BioNTech = Huron = Jackpot = Magazine = Masses = Name = Perjury = Protest = Statue = One World Order
- Occult: Fate = Master = Trumpet
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Shiva = Skull and Bones
- SOD:144} SR:12, 12F, PR:631, TR:667
0[667] - O:77, IO:163} 38P, D:161, ID:97} 25P, H:277} 59P, IH:73} 21P
- Words Like:
- Random: Bathtub
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Hexagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Trayvon = Tom Hanks
- Negative / Assassin Name: Assassin = Division = Killing = Red Cross
- Government / Place Name: Gerald = Hundred = Antonin Gregory Scalia = Davy Jones = Brussels = France = Okinawa = New Orleans, Louisiana = English = Monument = Nuclear = Bill and Melinda Gates
- Occult: Caesar = Lucifer = Maiorem = Messiah = Trinity
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Freemasons = Masonic
- Random: Against = On the Level
- Negative / Assassin Name: Homicide = Poisoning
- Government / Place Name: Seven Hundred Seventy-seven = George Hubert Walker Bush = Baton Rouge = Fontana = Honolulu = Istanbul = Wisconsin = Dallas, Texas = Los Angeles, California = Microsoft = Twenty-two divided by Seven
- Occult: Adonai = Emanuel = Crusade = Hidden = Magick = Sephiroth = Cancer
- Sports Related: Chase Young
228: 2*2*3*19
- Stage Name / Character: Samuel "Screech" Powers
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Dodecahedron = Nonagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Grant
- Negative / Assassin Name: Adolf = Sirhan = Arsenic = Klan
- Government / Place Name: Martin Luther King Jr. = Fort Myers, Florida = Club = Gold = Month = United States of America
- Occult: Change = Kabbalah
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Death = Draconian
- Stage Name / Character: Pat = Samuel
- Random: Senior = Spencer = Deeds = Demo = Edible = Like = Winter = Weed
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Gruber = Michele = Nick = Ross = Seymour = Brain = Shooter = Shooting
- Negative / Assassin Name: Demonology = Failed = Flame = Genocide = Headache = Killed = Virus = Swine Flu
- Government / Place Name: Gabbie = Soetoro = Sr. = Zachary = Seventeen = Thirty = Eleventh = Joe Biden = Britain = Chicago = Chile = Detroit = Erie = Georgia = Honolulu = Idaho = India = Los Angeles = Milwaukee = Redmond = Action = American = Border = Congress = Country = Daytona = Harbor = Kingdom = Letter = Liberty = Officer = Ordinal = Persian = Place = Movement = Treaty = Wednesday = August = December = Stock Market = Trade Mark
- Occult: Adonai = Baphomet = Emanuel = Hercules = Nimrod = Zeus = Babylon = Babylon = Hell = Karma = Magick = Mystery = Powerful = Seal = Yod = Cancer = Pisces
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: El
- Sports Related: Bryant = Jordan
- SOD:68, PR:331, TR:2278
- O:55} 1
0F;T, IO;H:103} 27P [13]} 7F, 6P, D:79} 22P, ID:57, IH:43} 14P - Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Samuel Powers = Screech Powers
- Random: King = Clown = Fools = Silence = Trait
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Lewis = Tetradecagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Lemmy
- Negative / Assassin Name: Lee Harvey Oswald = Killer = Lying = Necrophiliac = Satanic = Blood Sacrifice = Human Sacrifice = Swine Flu Vaccine
- Government / Place Name: Boehner = Fraser = Athens = Madagascar = Long Beach = New Hampshire = Samos = Opa-locka, Florida = Parramatta, Australia = Administration = Chairman = House = Logos = Mainstream = Organic = Puerto = Stock = Teaching = Water = West = Years = Police Officer
- Occult: Pike = Abomination = Alchemy = Crucifixion = Cycles = Martyr = Pharaoh = Purify = Soul = Allah Akbar
- Heptagonal:4, SOD:54, PR:139, TR:595
- O:28} 7T, IO:42, D:4
0, H:52, IH:22 - State Postal Codes: MD = TN
- Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Screech
- Random: William = As = Center = Choice = Free = Friend = Leap = Pointed = Purpose = Stripes
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Carl = Davidson = Pentagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Dorian = Lucas = Oscar = Ryder = Trayvon = Wilson = Control = Flag = Zombie
- Negative / Assassin Name: Apollyon = Harvey = Napoleon = Oswald = Beast = Beheaded = Dark = Destroy = Impale = Murder = Poison = Violent = Black Tuesday = Hell Gate
- Government / Place Name: Andrew = Biden = Gerald = Francis = Henry = Hubert = Lincoln = Warren = One = Fifteen = Seventy = Fourth = Davy Jones = Cape Cod = France = Greece = Indiana = Juba = Malta = Maryland = Memphis = Mobile = Nevada = Tennessee = Tucson = African = Cop = Dday = Democrat = English = Google = Landfill = Member = Monument = Present = Prime = Radio = San = Simple = April
- Occult: Allah = Ghandi = Jesus = Metatron = Chance = Church = Cross = Hebrew = Knights = Miracle = Occult = Seclorum
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Black = Jewish
Square Root #, Factorization, Sum of Divisors:
25} SR:5, 5*5[55} 10F;T]
- Regular #, SOD:31} 11P, PR:97, TR:325
- O;ID:21} 8F, 6T, IO:31} 11P, D:29} 1
0P, H:37} 12P, IH:19} 8P - Acronyms Like: H.Q. = M.P.
- Words Like:
- Random: Adore = All = Candy = Free = From = Heart = It = Level = Light = Loyal = Method = On = Rock = Sea = This
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Wise = Hexagon = Point = Earth
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Lennon = Moran = Comet = Galaxy = Zika
- Negative / Assassin Name: Adolf = Bin = Jack = Surrat = Wilkes = Devil = Drown = Frame = Klan = Massacre = Racist = Swine = Tsunami
- Government / Place Name: Biden = Ford = Roth = Trump = Walker = Three = Seven = Sixty = Eighty = Ninth = Brussels = Columbus = Dayton = Eureka = La Paz = London = Moscow = Oregon = Benton = Cape = Club = Door = Force = Judge = Jury = Lake = Luck = Month = Paper = Pearl = Roman = South = Yellow = White = March
- Occult: Abel = Pope = Annuit = Bav = Chance = Change = Create = Energy = Gospel = Julii = Lodge = Ordo = Rite = Secret = Vatican = Will = Aries = The Cabal
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: El = Death = Dualism = Time = Black Box
Government Words and sums, Government Names and People in government, Presidential Event Dates, Life Lesson Numerology Dates,
Jewish Gematria(JG) Sums, English Gematria(EG) Sums,
New World Order Ritual and Propaganda Theme
Government Number Patterns:
- R:23} 9P, Regular#, SOD:63, PR:13, TR:528
- O:26, IO:4
0, D:38, ID:28} 7T, H:50, IH:20 - State Postal Codes: MI = MS = NH = SC = WI
- Acronyms Like: N.F.L. = U.K.
- Words Like:
- Random: David = Hussein = Snyder = Again = Agreed = Based = Cell = Life = Things = Where
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Men = Neptune = Circle = Decagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Jape = Johnson = Rickles = Thomas = Walton = Winona = Yelchin
- Negative / Assassin Name: Jacob = Osama = Assassinated = Bomb = Cocaine = Debacle = Damage = Disaster = Dragon = Funeral = Ku = Mutation = Negro = Unknown
- Government / Place Name: Benjamin = Boehner = Kenneth = Marvin = Obama = Rodham = Rudolph = Sidney = Wright = Third = America = Boston = Boulder = Denver = Everett = Madagascar = Parkland = Agenda = Anvil = Language = Media = National = Parallel = Protest = Puerto = Rifle = Veterans = Water = Alien Base
- Occult: Buddha = Christ = Hermes = Athens = Samos = Alchemy = Biblical = Chalice = Cycles = Fate = Martyr = Pharaoh = Power = Salvation = Seeing = Trumpet = Leo
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Hiram = Solomon = Scottish = Storm
- Sports Related: Lineman
- Random: Artist = Cell = Fool = Ist = Paradigm = Sex = The = With = Word
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Enneagram = Hexadecagon = Octagram
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Mantenuto = Rickman = Tom = Nick Menza = Hoax = Zone = False Flag
- Negative / Assassin Name: Arsenic = Blood = Damage = Dracula = Evil = Famine = Fool = Homicide = Holocaust = Race War
- Government / Place Name: Abe = Don = Gamaliel = Giffords = Harrison = James = Patrick = Four = Nine Eleven = Andrew Jackson = Donald Trump = John Boehner = Atlanta = Cleveland = Delaware = Flagstaff = Hollywood = Iowa = Lake Huron = Lake Tahoe = Marchant = Melbourne = New Mexico = Roseburg = Snohomish = Tal Abyad, Syria = Alto = Assembly = Building = Cell = Crime = Device = Diplomatic = Formation = Long = Plane = Presidents = Propaganda = Trade = Vaccination = February = World War
- Occult: Astrology = Birthday = Conjunction = Holy = Necromancy = Pray = Witchcraft = Yin = Key of David = To Crucify
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Freemason = Illuminati = Operative = Tefillin = Grand Master
- Regular#, SOD:93, PR:229, TR:1275
- O:4
0, IO:62, D:60, ID:42, H:80, IH:32 - State Postal Codes: CA
- Acronyms Like: C.N.N
- Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Cunningham = Easy = Hans Gruber = Samuel Powers
- Random: Ross Duffer = After = Airplane = Easy
- Symbol:
- / Shape/Planet: Arlen = Octahedron = Star = Tetradecagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Paul = Zimmerman = George Lucas
- Negative / Assassin Name: Cocaine = Fraud = Operation = Satanic
- Government / Place Name: Bush = Dane = Donald = Fleischmann = Gregory = Washington = Andrew Yang = America = Columbia = Fort Myers = Fort Sumner = Lake Havasu City = Korea = Manila = Mozambique = Salem = Singapore = Superior = Chairman = Connection = Decipher = Gregorian = Invasion = Naval = Old = Operation = Politics = Rifle = Superior = Warp = June = September = Eleventh Day = New Years Day
- Occult: Pythagoras = Abomination = Apple = Biblical = Circle = Creation = Divinity = Fallen = Intuition = Prana = Pythagorean = Reptilian = Sacred = Snake = The Creator
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Owl = Storm
51: 3*17 [317} 66P]
- R:15} 5T, Pentagonal:6, SOD:72, PR:233, TR:1326
- O:41} 13P, IO:63, D:61} 18P, ID:43} 14P, H:81} SR:9, IH:33
- Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Batman
- Random: Michael = Straight = Which
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Pentadecagon = Moon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Robbie = Experiment = Illusion = Insanity = Ison
- Negative: Conspiracy = Demon = Slaughter = Stranger = Stubborn = Never Again
- Government / Place Name: Bill = Harrison = Joe = Valentine = Forty = Ninety-four = Nine Eleven = Antonin Scalia = Cincinnati = Hawaii = Indio = Lake Erie = Harajuku, Tokyo = City = Confederate = Day = Federal = Formation = Governor = Great = Helicopter = Indian = Isopsephy = Operations = Propaganda = Security = Worth = Zip
- Occult: Alexander = Adam Weishaupt = Rome = Clockwork = Crucified = Magician = Necromancy = Key of David = Sacred Number = To Crucify
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Operative
- Sports Related: Chyna = League
- R:75, SOD:8
0, PR:269, TR:1653 - O:47} 15P, IO:71} 2
0P, D:67} 19P, ID:49} SR:7, H:87, IH:39 - Words Like:
- Random: Act = Cooperative = Pizza
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Human = Dodecahedron = Moon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Dustin Diamond = Experiment = Ison
- Negative: Conspiracy = Razor = Satanism = Vaccine = Never Again
- Government / Place Name: Ian = Eighth = Ninety-four = Bill Gates = England = Eugene = Georgetown = Ghana = Guinea = Lake Michigan = Missouri = New York City = City = Coincidence = Confederate = Divided = Golden = Helicopter = Numerical = Operations
- Occult: Mark Antony = Rome = Architect = Crucified = Demigod = Jews = Magician = Tisha = Xenophobic = Gemini = Saint Valentine
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Scottish Rite
- Sports Related: Kentucky Wildcats = World Series
77: 7*11 [711]
- Random: Joyce = Things
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Cube = Hexagram
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Rickles = Joanie Cunningham = False Flag Shooting
- Negative: Hard = Funeral = Unknown = Valentines Day Massacre
- Government / Place Name: Kenneth = Marvin = Boston = Boulder = Houston = Parkland = United States = Atlanta, GA = Dhahran, Saudi Arabia = Alphabetic = Anvil = Matter = Night = Parallel = Research = Victory = Naval Base = Police Department = Police Officer = World Trade Center
- Occult: Christ = Power = Stars = Sunni = Secret Society
- R:18 {6+6+6} [666], Heptagonal:6, SOD:121} SR:11, PR:419, TR:3321
- IO:121} SR:11, D:97} 25P, ID:69, H:129, IH:51
- State Postal Codes: AR
- Words Like:
- Random: Half = Honest = Toilet
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Square
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Bowie = Rodney
- Negative: Cain = Race = Mark of the Beast
- Government / Place Name: Erin Marie Moran = Prince William = Key West = Malaysia = Memphis, Tennessee = Base = Code = Rights = Tropic = Alien Invasion
- Occult: Islam = Preaching = Sagittarius
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Masons
84: 2*2*3*7
- Stage Name / Character: Elton Hercules John = Samuel "Screech" Powers
- Random: Robert = Car = Which
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Keith Arlen Wise
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Serling = Jape Richardson
- Negative: Demon
- Government / Place Name: Giffords = Luther = Forty = Abraham Lincoln = Antonin Scalia = George Walker Bush = Arizona = Arkansas = Indio = Massachusetts = Coincidence = Lawyer = States = Sunday = Worth = United States of America
- Occult: Alexander = Pike = Equinox = Morals = Savior = Theorem = Vampire = Sepher Yetzirah = The Catholic Church = The Jesuit Order
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Jesuit = Masonry
- Sports Related: Chyna
- Film / Book Title: The Twilight Zone
- R:4
01} 79P [41} 13P], SOD:210[21} 6T, 8F, PR:569, TR:5460[546] - O;IH:68, IO:15
0[15} 5T], D:148, ID:88, H:260[26] - Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Cunningham
- Random: Based
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Carl
- Negative: Jacob = St. Valentine Beheaded
- Government / Place Name: Fleischmann = Hillary = Fourteen = Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. = Joseph Patrick Kennedy = Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. = Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr. = Fort Myers = Ghana = Indiana = Indiana = Malibu = Myanmar = Singapore = Curiosity = Hookah = Tinfoil = Veterans
- Occult: Albert = Divinity = Reptile = Reptilian = Templar = Yetzirah
- Random: William
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Decagon = Symbology = Perfected Man
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Don Rickles
- Negative: Apollyon = Adolf Hitler = Osama Bin Laden
- Government / Place Name: Lincoln = Seventy = Nine One One = James Garfield = Melinda Gates = Ronald Reagan = Columbus = Kentucky = Minnesota = Kansas City, Kansas = Paris, France = Christmas = President
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Dualism
- Occult: Metatron = Create = Prophecy = Seclorum = Spirits
- Stage Name / Character: Batman
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Decagon = Symbology = Perfected Man
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Robbie = Illusion = Insanity = Valentines Day Shooting
- Negative: Mark of Beast
- Government / Place Name: Kennedy = Patrick = Jacob Leon Rubenstein = Hawaii = Montana = New York = Roseburg = Boulder County, Colorado = Indian = Isopsephy = Newsweek = Vaccination = October = Zip Code
- Occult: Abiff = Astrology = Genesis = Xenophobic
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Operative = Secrecy
- Sports Related: League
114: 2*3*19
- R:411, SOD:24
0[24], PR:619, TR:6555 - O:76, IO:162, D:16
0[16], ID:96, H:276} 23T, IH:72 - State Postal Codes: AR = NE
- Acronyms Like: D.N.A. = N.B.C.
- Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Saint Valentines Day Shooting
- Random: And = Do = Straight
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Octagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: George Carlin = Matt Duffer = Hostage
- Negative: Famine = Holocaust = Stranger
- Government / Place Name: Harrison = Lenin = John Boehner = Martin Luther King Jr. = Hollywood = Madison = Newtown = Pearl Harbor = San Bernardino, California = Beach = Device = District = Governor = Starbucks = World War
- Occult: Adam = Cabal = History
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Synagogue
116: 2*2*29
- Random: Nicolas
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Symbolism
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Kilmister = Seymour = Oscar Grant = Ralph Evans
- Negative: Rothschild = Execution
- Government / Place Name: Jackson = Reagan = Fifty-one = Robert Francis Kennedy = William Henry Harrison = Britain = District of Columbia = Jackson = Redmond = Analysis = Beach = Behold = Congress = Department = Kingdom = Ordinal = Thursday = Whig Party
- Occult: Damien = Cabal = Destruction of the Two Temples
119: 7*17 [717]
- Random: Choice = Fertility
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Symbolism
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Riddler = Zombicon
- Negative: Rothschild = Execution
- Government / Place Name: Francis = Greece = Knoxville = Manama = New Jersey = Alexandria, Virginia = Egyptian = Revolution = Civil War
- Occult: Ghandi = Confession = Vatican = All Seeing Eye = Ancient Mystery Religions = Fraternal Order of Police
- Film / Book Title: Star Wars
123: 3*41 [341]
- Stage Name / Character: Dr. Lazarus
- Random: Choice = Fertility
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Mankind
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Mantenuto = Michael Brown
- Negative: Conspiracy
- Government / Place Name: Abraham = Ninety-four = Abraham Lincoln = James Madison = Alaska = Holland = Indianapolis = Lubbock = Missouri = Snohomish = Freedom = Tavistock
- Occult: Ancient = Belief = Sacred Number = Ancient Mystery = To Crucify
- Random: Airplane
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Decagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Anton Yelchin
- Government / Place Name: Ford = Washington = Bismarck = Columbia = Des Moines = Mississippi = Oklahoma = Dhahran, Saudi Arabia = BioNTech = Dissident = Magazine = September = Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine = New Years Day
- Occult: Pythagoras
- Film / Book Title: Die Hard
147: 3*7*7 [377} 14F]
- R:741} 38T, SOD:228, PR:853, TR:1
0878 [1878] - O;ID:1
03} 27P [13} 7F, 6P], IO:223} 48P, D:199} 46P, H:327, IH:93 - Words Like:
- Random: Paradigm
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Decagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Dustin Diamond = Nick Menza
- Negative: Conspiracy
- Government / Place Name: Delaware = San Bernardino, California = Knowledge = Numerical = New York Times
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Freemason
156: 2*2*3*13
- R:651, SOD:392, PR:911
- O;ID:11
0[11], IO:234, D:210} 20T [21} 8F, 6T], H:342 - State Postal Codes: OK
- Acronyms Like: B.O.I. = M.L.A.
- Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: False Flag
- Random: Dog
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Dorian Johnson = Flag
- Government / Place Name: Gabbie = Gamaliel = Twenty-eight = Thirty-three = Bill Gates = Matt Duffer = Patrick Kennedy = Robert Kennedy = Berlin = South Carolina = West Virginia = Revolutionary
- Occult: God = Architect = Seeing = St. Valentine = The Number of A Man
- Sports Related: Game
222: 2*3*37
- Stage Name / Character: Pat
- Random: Deeds = Demo = Edible = Like = Weed
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Nick
- Negative: Hitler = Dies = Failed = Flame
- Government / Place Name: Sr. = Patrick Kennedy = Chile = Erie = Idaho = India = San Bernardino, California = Place
- Occult: Hell = Seal
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Five Pointed Star
- R:532, Heptagonal:1
0, SOD:288, PR:1483, TR:27730[2773] - O:157} 37P, IO:353} 71P, D:329, ID:177, H:565
- Words Like:
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Alan Rickman
- Sports Related: Football
- Random: Ross Duffer
- Negative: Assassination
- Stage Name / Character: Elton John = Hans Gruber
- Random: Universe
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Tetradecagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: George Lucas = Comet Ison = Green Screen
- Negative: Abortions = Dishonest = Mutation = Necrophiliac = Operation = Coronavirus Pandemic
- Government / Place Name: Dallas = Eritrea = Madrid = Invasion = Jackpot = Mainstream = Operation = Perjury = Politics = Protest = Old World
- Occult: Blavatsky = Abomination = Apocalypse = Methodist = Salvation = Trumpet = Unicorns = The Creator
- Random: Autumn Snyder
- Negative: Destruction
- Government / Place Name: Seventy-seven = Columbine = Chairman = Dimensions = Gregorian = Teaching = Valentines = Takeshita = World War One
- Occult: Revelation
- Negative: Al Qaeda Terrorist Attack = Swine Flu Vaccine
- Occult: Torah
- Negative: Jihadists = Al Qaeda Terrorist Attack
- Occult: Tisha Bav
- Sports Related: Offensive
Triangular #, Sum of Divisors:
45} 9T
- Stage Name / Character: The Monkeys
- Random: Tamara = Chickens = Spade
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Twilight
- Negative: John Surrat = Fox = Illness = Knife = Missing = Pit = Pneumonia = Racism = Sadist = Car Bomb
- Government / Place Name: Barack = Robinette = Scalia = Thirteen = Forty-four = Seventy-one = Two One Six = Alaska = Daytona Beach = Helena = Illinois = Iraq = Miami = Aeronautics = Bitcoin = Bridge = Chemical = Dealer = East = Elect = Inventor = Leader = Magnetic = Marriage = January
- Occult: Daniel = Enoch = Gutenberg = Yoda = Albert Pike = Gods = Kabbalah = Preaching = Vav = Sagittarius = Holy Bible
Dark Grey:
Quoted Information, Book Titles, Movie and Film Titles
Random Words and sums, Names and Words in Multiple Categories, Train Accident / Crash/Incident Event Dates, Movie, Music and Film Release Dates,
Dualism and Racism Theme
Number Patterns:
Sum of Divisors:
- Stage Name / Character: Easy
- Random: David = Joyce = King = Car = Cell = Clown = Easy = Fools = Ism = Joke = Life = View = Where
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Line = Uranus
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Jape = Lemmy = Menza = Neil = Paul = Thomas = Mind
- Negative: Lee = Biased = Bomb = Crash = Damage = Dead = Died = Hard = Klux = Ku = Negro = Pain = Satanic
- Government / Place Name: Bush = Dr. = Walton = Boston = Dade = Ghana = Malibu = Tahoe = Anvil = Cod = Fort = House = Jackpot = Logo = Logos = Speed = Warp = Water = June = July
- Occult: Albert = Buddha = Pike = Athens = Apple = Cycles = Dogma = Fate = Master = Power
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Storm
- Sports Related: Basketball
- Regular#, SOD:72, PR:113, TR:465
- O:24, IO;D:36} SR:6, 8T, ID:26, H:48
- State Postal Codes: KS = NJ = WA
- Words Like:
- Stage Name / Character: Huxtable = Powers
- Random: Byers = Martin = Accepted = Coach = Monkeys = Nothing = Belt Buckle
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Eugene = Melvin = Mankind = Peace = Octagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Carlin = Duffer = Grant = Fear = Hostage
- Negative: Moloch = Corona = Famine = Ni**er = Mafia = Peril = Razor = Slavery = Stubborn = Vaccine = Wolves = Ku Klux Klan
- Government / Place Name: Joe = Kennedy = Luther = Madison = Moore = Twelve = Forty = Fifty = Ninety = Second = Seventh = England = Eugene = Guinea = Holland = Japan = Maine = Mexico = Newtown = Texas = Crime = Day = Device = Globes = Golden = Great = Greed = Lawyer = Magnet = Myrtle = North = Orange = Person = Police = Ruger = Series = Tavistock = Worth = Zip = Zip Code
- Occult: Abiff = Brahman = Ad = Ancient = Belief = Bible = Bishop = Coptic = Equinox = Harvest = Knight = Magic = Order = Savior
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Nazis
- Sports Related: League
- Random: Martin = Matt Duffer = Bus = For = Humanity = New = Nothing = Mosquito = Paradigm = Rolling
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Mankind = Dot = Enneagram = Torus
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Carlin = Serling = Nick Menza = Lost
- Negative: Ruby = Saddam = Beasts = Corrupt = Flu = Homicide = Lustful = Ni**er = Sin = Slavery = Vaccine
- Government / Place Name: Giffords = Hans = Madison = Five = Nine = Ten = Twenty-one = James Madison = Japan = Lake Huron = Lubbock = Lyon = Melbourne = Missouri = Roseburg = Snohomish = Building = Computer = Divided = Knowledge = Math = Net = Numerical = Series = Springs = States = War = February = May = World War = Zip Code
- Occult: Anubis = Brahman = Mark Antony = Samos = Aleph = Ancient = Architect = Astrology = Birthday = Equinox = Fish = Harvest = History = Savior = Vampire = Xenophobic = Libra = New Testament = St. Valentine
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Saturn = Freemason = Jesuit = Synagogue = Tefillin
- Random: Junior = Artist = Dice = Edge = Monkeys = Mosquito = Nothing = Rolling
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Melvin
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Dustin = Michael Mantenuto
- Negative: Blood = Slavery = Dead at Sixty-nine = Number of the Beast
- Government / Place Name: Antonin = Clinton = James = Twelve = Ninety = Bill Gates = Fort Myers, Florida = Tal Abyad, Syria = Crime = Person = Plane = Project = Springs = Street = Trade
- Occult: Architect = Birthday = Coeptis = Muslim = Saint Valentine = The Catholic Church
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Bonesmen = Tefillin = Five Pointed Star
102: 2*3*17
- Random: Based = Monkeys = Nothing = Rolling = Straight
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Darren = Duffer
- Negative: Ni**er = Slavery = Stranger
- Government / Place Name: Antonin = Clinton = Harrison = Valentine = Twenty-one = Second = Berlin = Abyad = Agreed = Aliens = Diplomatic = District = Globes = Governor = Magnet = Marine = Orange = Police = Project = Springs = Member of Parliament = World War
- Occult: Akbar = Coeptis = Magic = Key of David
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: El
- Random: Tamara = Nicolas
- Negative: Racism
- Government / Place Name: Andrew Jackson = Redmond = Bitcoin = Coincidence = Marriage
- Occult: Nimrod = Preaching = Saint Valentine = The Bible Code = The Magician
- Random: Car = Reliability = That = Universal = View = Where
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Menza = Anton Yelchin = David Bowie = Rodney King = Green Screen
- Negative: Lee = Cruel = Dragon = Negro = Slave
- Government / Place Name: Nixon = Rodham = Third = Seventy-seven = Nancy Reagan = Birmingham = Huron = Mumbai = Myrtle Beach = New Hampshire = Atlanta, Georgia = Halle, Germany = Tucson, Arizona = Budget = Cod = Curiosity = Days = Dimensions = Dissident = Fort = Island = Logo = Valentines = Takeshita = World War One
- Occult: Pope Francis = Protestant = Revelation = Seeing
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Shiva = Freemasonry
Square Root #, Sum of Divisors:
- Stage Name / Character: Chekov = Fat Pat = School Shooting
- Random: Focus = Transgender =
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Anton = Cosby = Kilmister = Oscar Grant = Trayvon Martin = Screen =
- Negative: Epidemic = Kill = Never
- Government / Place Name: Barry = Ronald = Viktorovich = Donald Jay Rickles = Alexandria = Dover = Israel = Maui = Michigan = Pennsylvania = American = County = Prey = Week = Remembrance Day = Rolling Rock = Veterans Day
- Occult: Thoth = Change = Hope = Mystery = Qur'an = Spell = Thou = Wilt = Zion = Virgo = Black Magic = Do what thou wilt = King of the Jews = Pagan Trinity
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Lupercalia = Thelema = Seal of Solomon
- Film / Book Title: Davinci Code
Off Blue:
Entertainment associations, Music Bands, Stage / Character Names and Shooting Attack events
- Pentagonal:3, SOD:28} 7T, PR:3, TR:78, FR:144} SR:12
- O;ID:1
0} 4T, IO;D:14, H:18 {6+6+6} [666] - State Postal Codes: AK = IL = MT = NJ = NY = OR = VT = WA = WY
- Acronyms Like: T.M.
- Words Like:
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Alan Rickman
612: 2*2*3*3*17
- Random: Monkeys = Straight
- Negative: Slavery = Stranger
- Government / Place Name: Harrison = Valentine = Diplomatic = District = Springs
- Occult: Key of David
- Random: Nicolas = Earthquake = Legendary = Like = Obedience = Parable = Perfected = Spreads = Therefore = On the Level
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Mullins = Heptagram
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Kilmister = Kim Jong Nam = Oscar Grant = Ralph Evans = Brain = Shooting
- Negative: Assassinations = Bloodlines = Chemo = Contagion = Deception = Epidemic = Execution = Genocide = Kill = Poisoning = Lung Cancer = Swine Flu
- Government / Place Name: Abraham = Gabrielle = Garfield = Jackson = Jefferson = Seventeen = Ted Kennedy = Alexandria = Cambridge = Georgia = Israel = Mauritania = Michigan = Wisconsin = Long Beach, CA = Anagram = Association = Department = Congress = Grand = Liberty = Military = Numerology = Officer = Ordinal = Persian = Pfizer = Prey = Space = Wednesday = Week = December = False Logic = Veterans Day = Whig Party
- Occult: Adonai = Hercules = Faith = Hidden = Hope = Karma = Lupercalia = Magical = Magick = Minister = Novus = Powerful = Rebirth = Sephiroth = Thou = Wilt = Yod = Zion = Cancer = Taurus = Fallen Angel
- Sports Related: Chase Young
- Film / Book Title: Galaxy Quest
- Random: Candy
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Davidson
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Lennon = George Zimmerman = Program = Trauma
- Negative: Oswald = Beast = Murdered = Poison
- Government / Place Name: Hubert = Trump = Vladimir = Eighty = Fourth = George Walker Bush Jr. = George Washington = California = Eilat = London = Malta = Maryland = Moscow = Oregon = Agreement = Conference = Force = Judge = Policeman = Radio = Russian = Simple = Alphabetic Order = Six Days
- Occult: Abel = Energy = Gospel
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Jewish
- Government / Place Name: Edward Kennedy = Madagascar = Snohomish County = Policeman
- Occult: Hermes
- Negative: Destruction = Never Again
- Government / Place Name: John Boehner = North Carolina = World War One
- Occult: Protestant
- Stage Name / Character: Riddler
- Random: John = William = Be = Burgundee = Candy = Rock = Stripes
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Davidson = Decagram
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Don Rickles = Thinking = Zika
- Negative: Surrat = Osama Bin Laden = Saddam Hussein = Beast = Crippled = Division = Mafia = Murdered = Racist = Tsunami = Lone Wolves
- Government / Place Name: Francis = Gerald = Reginald =
Richard =Roth = Trump = One = One One Three = Davy Jones = Melinda Gates = Alamogordo = Cape Cod = Columbus = East Germany = Eilat = Ethiopia = France = Indiana = Knoxville = Malta = Maryland = Nevada = New Jersey = Ohio = Tennessee = African = Agreement = Authority = Conference = Cop = Democrat = Force = Government = Hampshire = Huntington = Judge = Landfill = Luck = News = Pacific = Policeman = President = Radio = Republican = San = Wars = Whig = White House- Occult: Caesar = Metatron = Christian = Confession = Historic = Miracle = Obey = Preacher = Seclorum = Trinity = Vatican = Yang = The Cabal
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Black Box = Star of David
- Sports Related: Ben = Offensive
Fibonacci #, Sum of Divisors:
- Random: Accurate = Chickens = Friend = Inspiration
- Negative: John Surrat = Jihadists = Mark of the Beast
- Government / Place Name: Dane = Forty-four = Seventy-one = Two One Six = Hillary Rodham = Prince William = Mexico City = Corporation = Magnetic = Marriage = Radio = Alien Invasion = April Fourth
- Occult: Gutenberg = Tutankhamun = King Solomon = Scientology = Sagittarius = Great Harvest = Jesuit Order
Sky Blue:
Number Patterns:
- Stage Name / Character: Bowie = Joanie
- Random: Tamara = Accurate = Buckle = Health = Off
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Sun = Heptadecagon
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Matt
- Negative: Car Bomb = Mark of the Beast
- Government / Place Name: Fitzgerald = Lenin = Robinette = Forty-four = Baghdad, Iraq = Illinois = Malaysia = Mexico City = Nagasaki = New Orleans = Chemical = Elected = Lung = Marriage = Politician = Publishing = Red = Eleventh Hour = Golden Globes
- Occult: Euclid = King Solomon = Alchemist = Islam = Oracle = Preaching = Religions = Salvator = Scientology = Spiritually = Testament = Black Sea = Great Harvest = Jesuit Order = The Bible Code = The Magician
- Stage Name / Character: False Flag Shooting
- Random: Snyder = After = Things
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Arlen
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Steven = Joanie Cunningham
- Negative: Assassinated = Fraud
- Government / Place Name: Hillary = Marvin = Walton = Wright = Wylkynson = Boston = Korea = Myanmar = Salem = Atlanta, Georgia = Matter = Naval = Rifle = Tinfoil = Police Department = September Eleventh
- Occult: Christ = Apple = Creation = Crucify = Prana = Reptile = Snake = Templar = Iesus Hominum Salvator
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Storm
- Sports Related: Basketball
- Random: Deeds
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Screen
- Negative: Contagion = Flame = Lung Cancer
- Government / Place Name: Jefferson = Ronald = Forty-one = David Robert Jones = Donald Jay Rickles = Joseph Robinette Biden = Chile = Detroit = Honolulu = India = Israel = Istanbul = Phoenix = Southwest Washington = County = Independence = Liberty = Place
- Occult: Lazarus
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Lupercalia
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Icosagon = Symbology
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Eugenics
- Negative: Crippled = Negative
- Government / Place Name: One Thirteen = Edward Kennedy = Colorado = Ethiopia = Jacksonville = Minnesota = South Korea = Christmas = Elect = Government = President = Federal Bureau of Investigation = White House
- Occult: Ancient Mystery Religions
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Speculative
- Sports Related: Football
- Stage Name / Character: Fat
- Random: By = Half = Off
- Negative: Race
- Government / Place Name: Fitzgerald = Base = Chemical = Code = Politician = Prohibition = Red
- Occult: Brahman = Preaching = Spiritually = Black Sea
- Random: Mark = Adore = Center = Choice = Hat = Heart = It = Light = Method = Now = On
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Carl = Earth
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Evans = Lennon = Moran = Philip = Ryder = Wilson = Tom Hanks = Galactic
- Negative: Harvey = Jack = Dark = Devil = Drown = Frame = Impale = Poison = Stabbing = Swine
- Government / Place Name: Andrew = Biden = Gates = Gerald = Hubert = Ted = Trump = Three = Six = Sixty = Seventy = Fourth = Ninth = Cape Cod = France = Greece = Kentucky = London = Manhattan = Mobile = Moscow = Ohio = Okinawa = Wyoming = Benton = Force = Lake = Member = Names = Nuclear = Numbers = Opa-locka = Paper = Pearl = Prime = Radio = Reduce = Roman = Russian = Simple = Wars = Whig = White = April = March = Six Days
- Occult: Allah = Ghandi = Muhammad = Block = Chance = Change = Church = Gospel = Hebrew = Messiah = Parables = Prophecy = Wisdom
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Black = Duality = Jewish = Masonic = Rite
- Sports Related: Football
- Film / Book Title: Star Wars
- Stage Name / Character: Riddler
- Random: Mark = Adore = Bathtub = Burgundee = Choice = Tactful = Was
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Bernice = Icosagon = Symbology
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Harbour = Philip = Alan Rickman = Tom Hanks = Eugenics = False = Program = Thinking = Trauma = Zombicon
- Negative: Assassination = Attack = Crippled = Frame = Killing = Murdered = Negative = Pandemic = Lone Wolves
- Government / Place Name: Ford = Harding = McKinley = Reginald = Richard = Vladimir = Nine One One = Cheyenne = Florida = Greece = Jacksonville = Kansas = Kentucky = Knoxville = Manama = New Jersey = Ontario = South Korea = Wyoming = Kansas City, Kansas = Agreement = Armistice = Book = Egyptian = Nuclear = Numbers = Opa-locka = Paz = Policeman = Political = Reverse = March = Civil War = Six Days
- Occult: Caesar = Ghandi = Julius = Lucifer = Muhammad = Jesus Christ = Block = Maiorem = Messiah = Preacher = Trinity
- Saturn / Secret Society Connection: Draconian = Freemasons = Lodge = Masonic = Speculative = Saturn Storm = Seal of Saturn
- Sports Related: Football
- Random: Bar = Heart = Pointed = Straight = Tactful
- Symbol / Shape/Planet: Icosagon = Earth
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Harbour = Eugenics = Mind
- Negative: Harvey = Jack = Wilkes = Crippled = Destroy = Devil = Murder = Negative = Transgression
- Government / Place Name: Gates = Warren = Colorado = Dayton = Ethiopia = Germany = Memphis = Wyoming = New Orleans, Louisiana = Cape = Names = Pearl = South
- Occult: Annuit = Wisdom = Aries = Pythagorean Theorem
- Sports Related: Ben Jordan = Football
- Random: Earthquake = Spreads
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Erin Moran = Kim Jong Nam = Shooting
- Negative: Qaeda = Bloodlines = Wicked = Swine Flu
- Government / Place Name: Edward = Soetoro = Zachary = Twenty = Seven Hundred Seventy-seven = Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman = George Hubert Walker Bush = John Fitzgerald Kennedy = Joseph Biden = Ted Kennedy = Mauritania = Moldova = Vermont = Guantanamo = Military = Movement = Persian = Twenty-two divided by Seven
- Occult: Awaken = Minister = Aquarius = New Age
- Sports Related: Chase
- SOD:132, PR:739, TR:8646
- O:89} 11F, 24P, IO:2
03 [23} 9P], D:181} 42P, H:305 [35], IH:83} 23P - Words Like:
- Random: Ross Duffer
- Psy-Op / Actor Name: Zimmerman
- Negative: Damage = Assassinated
- Government / Place Name: Melinda = Erin Marie Moran-Fleishmann = John Harrison Surrat Jr. = Atlanta, Georgia = Banking
Light Tan:
Catalan, Bell Number Patterns: